While a White person might shake their head and avoid Ethan Goldfarbsteinthal (they/them) ranting at them about how it’s they them right to mutilate children with puberty blockers Abdul Qasib from Bangaldesh with simply kill them. We’ve seen this in the European Union where lgbt filth and Jews have been attacked by Muslims trying to kill them.
If Jews are so clever as they claim why do they invite people that hate their disgusting values?
But why use words the way they want them used?
White genocide.
Demographics over there. As in “not in Israel.” Jews are all going to move to Israel, build a wall around it, and be collectively safe from the entire world full of mongrel mystery meat which exists solely to provide for them. That’s what their holy book says.
a) what if the so called jew comprehend need (perceivable sound) underneath want (suggested words), hence tempting other to reason (want versus not want) about suggested words, while ignoring to adapt to perceivable sound?
b) before suggested symbolism (letters) comes perceivable symmetry (proportion of partials within whole)...shaping collectivism (words) out of symbolism (letters) represents spell-craft aka crafting the spelling of others by suggesting them to consent to collected symbols for communication.
Abracadabra or ABECEDARY (Latin abecedarium) - "alphabet table"...
a) can one (life) kill (cide) generation (inception towards death) or will it keep generating life?
b) can temporary spectrum at center kill surrounding balance (black/white) by choosing to mix? What if tempting center into a mixed surrounding distracts from being aka from self discernment about ones position?
c) what if suggested over perceivable represents temptation, while consenting to it shapes it into suicidal consent to genocidal suggestions?
Example: "watch porn; goy" represents an impotent temptation unless one consents to watch porn. If one does; then consent became suicidal (destroying self), while the consequences of the suggested became genocidal (destroying others...starting with sacrificing potential offspring into a sock).
Consent to impotent temptations makes temptations potent, while making oneself impotent...