Communist infiltration that Bella Dodd talked about, breifly mentions how they got a foothold in and flooded churches with pedophiles to try and discredit the church as their communist plan depended on destroying and discrediting Christianity.
“At the present time one sees in our civilised world the admission of racial discrimination as the greatest sin into which man could fall. It is alleged to be a fault that leaves behind an eternal and ugly world of barbarity and animal nature, always presupposing that the Jewish people does not in practice commit this fault. Thanks to Jewish propaganda, which is controlled almost exclusively in the world by the Israelites (cinema, radio, press, television, publishing, etc.), anti-Semitism is the most disgraceful of all racial manifestations; for the Jews have made out of anti-Semitism a truly destructive weapon, which serves to nullify the efforts of countless persons and organisations who have clearly recognised who the real head of Communism is, in spite of the camouflage and cunning that this race uses to conceal its true activity. Particularly such persons and organizations that have tried to sound the alarm, since they were filled with horror at the fatal end which draws nearer and nearer.
This network of lies is so successful that the majority of anti-Communists who wish to make an end of the Marxist monster, direct their energetic and courageous attacks against the tentacles of the octopus and know nothing of the existence of the terrible head which renews the destroyed limbs, conducts its movements and brings the activities in all parts of its system into harmony. The sole possibility or destroying the Communist Socialism of Marx consists in attacking the head of the same, which at present is Jewry as the undeniable facts and irrefutable evidence of the Jews themselves allow to be discerned.
While the Christian lands are anti-racialist, because they build up their ideas on the concept of loving one’s neighbour, the Jews were and are at present the most fanatical representatives of racial discrimination, which they base on ideas from the Talmud, because they proceed from the principle that the non-Jew is not even a human being.
However, this Christian opposition to racial discrimination is very skilfully utilised by the Jews; and in the shadow of the same they weld their devilish intrigues against the Catholic Church and all Christian order, by their forming the Communist system, where there is neither God nor church nor supersensual norms of any kind. As soon as they are attacked, they protest with crying lamentation and show themselves as victims of inhuman racial discrimination, only for the purpose of crippling that work of defence which opposes their destructive attacks.
In spite of this, one can regard the real defence against Communism, which must be forcefully directed against the Jews (against the head), in no manner as a sinful manifestation of a feeling of revulsion towards a definite race; for the characteristic of racial discrimination is completely alien to our culture and our Christian principles; however, one cannot avoid a problem of such weight and range out of fear of being described as an “Antisemite”, which doubtless occurs with those who do not understand the present situation of the world.
Thus it is not a question of combating a race out of considerations of racial order. If one at present brings the problem under close inspection, the Jews alone must bear the responsibility of leaving us no other choice because of their racial discrimination in life and death, with their absolute disregard of all who are not of their race and with their greed for world domination.”
I think there is strong evidence that shows who has infiltrated Catholic churches.
Criminals that pretend to be of one religion but are actually evil enough to be demon worshippers.
Communist infiltration that Bella Dodd talked about, breifly mentions how they got a foothold in and flooded churches with pedophiles to try and discredit the church as their communist plan depended on destroying and discrediting Christianity.
180 DEGREES: Unlearn the Lies You've Been Taught to Believe (the page on the right, and the next few pages)
Also "Plot against the Dhurch" by Pinay
Pg 57-59
“At the present time one sees in our civilised world the admission of racial discrimination as the greatest sin into which man could fall. It is alleged to be a fault that leaves behind an eternal and ugly world of barbarity and animal nature, always presupposing that the Jewish people does not in practice commit this fault. Thanks to Jewish propaganda, which is controlled almost exclusively in the world by the Israelites (cinema, radio, press, television, publishing, etc.), anti-Semitism is the most disgraceful of all racial manifestations; for the Jews have made out of anti-Semitism a truly destructive weapon, which serves to nullify the efforts of countless persons and organisations who have clearly recognised who the real head of Communism is, in spite of the camouflage and cunning that this race uses to conceal its true activity. Particularly such persons and organizations that have tried to sound the alarm, since they were filled with horror at the fatal end which draws nearer and nearer.
This network of lies is so successful that the majority of anti-Communists who wish to make an end of the Marxist monster, direct their energetic and courageous attacks against the tentacles of the octopus and know nothing of the existence of the terrible head which renews the destroyed limbs, conducts its movements and brings the activities in all parts of its system into harmony. The sole possibility or destroying the Communist Socialism of Marx consists in attacking the head of the same, which at present is Jewry as the undeniable facts and irrefutable evidence of the Jews themselves allow to be discerned.
While the Christian lands are anti-racialist, because they build up their ideas on the concept of loving one’s neighbour, the Jews were and are at present the most fanatical representatives of racial discrimination, which they base on ideas from the Talmud, because they proceed from the principle that the non-Jew is not even a human being.
However, this Christian opposition to racial discrimination is very skilfully utilised by the Jews; and in the shadow of the same they weld their devilish intrigues against the Catholic Church and all Christian order, by their forming the Communist system, where there is neither God nor church nor supersensual norms of any kind. As soon as they are attacked, they protest with crying lamentation and show themselves as victims of inhuman racial discrimination, only for the purpose of crippling that work of defence which opposes their destructive attacks.
In spite of this, one can regard the real defence against Communism, which must be forcefully directed against the Jews (against the head), in no manner as a sinful manifestation of a feeling of revulsion towards a definite race; for the characteristic of racial discrimination is completely alien to our culture and our Christian principles; however, one cannot avoid a problem of such weight and range out of fear of being described as an “Antisemite”, which doubtless occurs with those who do not understand the present situation of the world.
Thus it is not a question of combating a race out of considerations of racial order. If one at present brings the problem under close inspection, the Jews alone must bear the responsibility of leaving us no other choice because of their racial discrimination in life and death, with their absolute disregard of all who are not of their race and with their greed for world domination.”
Excellent comment good sir, thank you for the hard facts.