Neither of those are flaws, they are features. But the first one is exceptionally tarded. No shit transactions arent reversable - being reverseable would make it completely fucking useless. Thats what smart contracts are for, or a third party escrow service - which no one is stopping you from using.
gotcha. im sure that could be accomplished pretty elegantly with smart contracts but have not of any implimentations. sorry for being a dick. i can see the use case but I would still not consider its lack a 'flaw' in crypto implimentations by any means
Neither of those are flaws, they are features. But the first one is exceptionally tarded. No shit transactions arent reversable - being reverseable would make it completely fucking useless. Thats what smart contracts are for, or a third party escrow service - which no one is stopping you from using.
gotcha. im sure that could be accomplished pretty elegantly with smart contracts but have not of any implimentations. sorry for being a dick. i can see the use case but I would still not consider its lack a 'flaw' in crypto implimentations by any means