And they were in sealed gas chambers!
Imagine the luck of the Nazis that they miraculously managed to carry out thousands of gassings in massive outdoor rooms in polish winter with wooden doors and were able to remove the bodies instantly even though hydrogen cyanide stays lethal for so long afterwards!
Of course any intelligent person knows the holocaust is about as real as bigfoot or viruses etc.
Someone posted some math showing how many gassings would have to take place every minute, 24 hours per day, to reach the mythical six million. It was some kind of insane impossible number.
jews now claim 900,000 jews were gassed AND cremated AND buried at Treblinka 2... backtracked down from the previous multi-million claim (lies) of the Nuremberg Trial.
Treblinka was open from July 23, 1942, to October 19, 1943.
That's 453 days... that's 10,872 hours.
900,000/453 = 2,000 jews were gassed AND cremated PER DAY if it was magically running 24 hours a day 7 days a week while Germany was fighting for it's life in a multi-front world war.
Not realistic.
Assuming that gas chambers would have to be shut down about 12 hours a day so people could sleep and unload the bodies from the chambers, they'd have to gas the entire 2,000 in just 12 hours which is 167 jews gassed and bodied and cremated PER HOUR. Not possible with gas chambers that are not even air tight.
"The German army couldn't kill 91 unarmed people per hour." -you
Even though the battle of Gettysburg with muzzle-loaders in the 1800's killed 700 men per hour.
You assert the whole facility was shutting down for 12 hours a day, as though you've never heard of a 24-hour Walmart. When do they shut down the Walmart to clean it and restock the shelves?
I don't know if you're right or wrong, but the math didn't convince me.
So you believe that a facility operated seven days a week at the height of the war and successfully gassed and cremated 2000 bodies every single day?
The government can't even process 2000 driver licenses per day at a DMV location, and definitely isn't open 7 days a week or operating 24 hours per day.
The battle of Gettysburg didn't last over a year. It lasted just 3 days.
And supposedly these death camps were killing so efficiently that they also had maternity wards?!? They were giving birth to babies in between gassing and cremating 2000 bodies per day?!
Oh, and don't forget the swimming pool. Gassing and cremating 2000 Jews per day, but letting the rest breed, give birth, and take dips in the swimming pool?
Jews are kike liars. The gas chambers are as real as January6 being an "Insurrection" you believe narratives from 80 years ago when Jews bold face make ridiculous lies about what just happened yesterday.
I just can't agree with your position that 13 million German soldiers couldn't kill 6 million starving jews. That they could haul and burn 11 Million tons of artillery ammunition but not 350k tons of jew.
It's only half a kike per Kraut.
There were not 13 million German soldiers working at Treblinka
Ukrainians and Jews assisted with the executions. In fact, they were the MAJORITY of executioners.
According to your theory, 30 Germans gassed and executed 900,000 Jews at record speed with impossible efficiency at a rate of 2,000 per day.
Could 30 Germans even move 2,000 bodies in a day? Of course not. Not even with heavy equipment and tractors. Supposedly, mostly Jews were executing themselves. 2,000+ Jews couldn't overpower just 30 German soldiers. LOL