So they have arrested trump. Since I'm not a yank i have no skin in the game. Ignoring this latest circus I've never in my life seen the media or the establishment so ruthlessly go after 1 guy. Literally every night on the news during trump's presidency was some smear or allegation. It was non stop. The media coverage was at least 90% negative. They were relentless. I've also never seen the tools of the government used against its own politicians like this. Spying on his campaign, the phony paid for intelligence documents, allegations of pee tapes, hookers, then the whole insane russiagate bullshit which went of for literally years. Impeached twice.
Yet somehow people think trump was controlled opposition or just part of the system. Yet this system is trying to systemically destroy him at every available opportunity.
The 2020 election. I mean even if there was no evidence of cheating it looked like they cheated. Trump was on target to win then the magic 4am mail in ballots arrived and it was all over. It looked dirty.
Meanwhile biden has full blown dementia. His son is knee deep in drugs, hookers, and doggy deals in Ukraine yet the same system that is destroying trump is protecting the biden family. In no sane world should someone with Biden's mental faculty's be running anything.
Operation Warpspeed.
Zion don. J6.
((Roy Cohn))
Hypernormalization. --->
Masonic theatre, telenovelas, soap opera, entertainment value, spectacle.
trump seems like a clown mockery of anti-globalist platform.