posted ago by LightBringerFlex ago by LightBringerFlex +12 / -2

The deep state is very proud how they disconnected our understanding of God with vaccines, fluoride type poisons and propaganda.

I will briefly explain it because it’s too long to explain in detail. The messages of God go into the soul and the soul sits in the Spiritual side of our being behind the heart. Then it shoots up a message to the brain which deals with this physical World. If we listen to it in every action, we end up always on the right path to Life success and expansion of mind and soul. Further, we are invulnerable and we live in mental peace. Our being is like an antenna. If we point it correctly, we can align ourselves to God and then draw in all we need to draw in to establish all that we need and desire in the moment of now. This takes true understanding. I often recommend a book called “Way Of Mastery” to People as it explains how to align pretty well. Jesus once said “I am the truth, the way…”. This means Jesus is setup correctly to align with God and if we want to access God, we must align as he does.

The benefit of this is that the individual not only drastically improves their own life quality, their improved life helps the entire World. The positive energy they draw from God pours into their own life and spills over into the lives of all they know and beyond.

I could say that of all things, this is the one thing they don’t want us to know but it’s too late because too many People found out over the past few years. As more People find out, new opportunities are unlocked that lead to the salvation of humanity and worldwide freedom.

That is it in a basic nutshell. Once people understand these things, they will not be afraid anymore of any threat posed at them from the deep state. They will gladly stand up even if risk is involved knowing that it will all work itself out favorably for humanity. Fear is the only power the deep state hold over humanity and so I am making this post to tip off people who to become fearless through inner understanding. Again, the process takes too long to explain and Way Of Mastery does an excellent job explaining it.

Hint: The Tv and media are pumping fear 24/7 because whatever your mind focuses on is what you get. Fearful people experience frightening lives. People of Faith experience positive lives. Problems are not problems because God is bigger than all problems and has solutions to them all if you draw upon them. Invulnerability is a real thing and can be experienced even in a vulnerable human body. All our dreams of living a free life of meaning and safety can be achieved if we know what we are doing. The deep state knows this and has done everything they can to convince us otherwise. They only win when we believe we are weak.