posted ago by Primate98 ago by Primate98 +15 / -1

When Ryland was a toddler with long, flowing blond hair, he could pass as female of course. Supposedly at age three he "communicated" to his parents that he was really a boy and began his "transition".Here's the original coverage from seven years ago when Ryland was eight:

"Raising Ryland": Parents open up on child's gender transition (3/17/2016)

Take a look starting at 2:15 when Ryland is batting and throwing a ball. Does that look like any eight-year-old girl you've ever seen? Me neither.

The real giveaway, in my opinion, comes more recently now that Ryland is 15:

California transgender teen hopes to be an inspiration to others (6/12/2022)

Listen to his voice starting at 0:45. Sounds like any other teen boy you've ever heard, doesn't it? Females don't just have higher-pitched voices, but they speak with a "musicality", and Ryland has none of that. (This same characteristic is the basis for the classic "gay" voice, the root cause probably being decreased testosterone or increased estrogen). Trying to change voices FtM with hormones always leaves them sounding like they have a kazoo stuck in their throat.

The parents seem normal enough at first glance, but check out the dad at 1:56. Dude's got those crazy eyes. Maybe these people are Satanists and those children are just lucky to be alive.

Finally, for the shills who are going to weigh in with, "No, no, you're wrong, Ryland really IS a girl who's become a boy!" I would just say: okay, alright, we get it. Give it a rest because you're making my point for me.