What if it's on oneself to discern between perceivable (need) and suggested (want), before utilizing free will of choice?
a sex change
SEX (Latin seco; to divide) implies through change (motion), hence division of motion (male) into momentum (female) for trans-formation (life) within change (inception towards death).
What am I missing?
If everything (perceivable) is offered to everyone (perceiving), then one can be tempted to miss it when consenting to the suggestions by others...one cannot miss perceivable, only choose to ignore it for suggested, while feeling that something is "amiss".
What if it's on oneself to discern between perceivable (need) and suggested (want), before utilizing free will of choice?
SEX (Latin seco; to divide) implies through change (motion), hence division of motion (male) into momentum (female) for trans-formation (life) within change (inception towards death).
If everything (perceivable) is offered to everyone (perceiving), then one can be tempted to miss it when consenting to the suggestions by others...one cannot miss perceivable, only choose to ignore it for suggested, while feeling that something is "amiss".