Thank you. You gave me some material to review tonight. Gonna roll a cigar and watch it later.
I'm watching your first suggested video through right now. So far I do find it intriguing. Specifically that to this day they have not isolated the supposed Covid virus. Also, Dr. Tom Cowan explains a viral infection testing method that sounds far more complicated and tedious than I would have guessed. I have read explanations of the PCR test being unreliable in the past, but the testing procedures are far more suspect than I understood previously.
I'd like to see this guy Dr. Tom Cowan in a civil debate with a doctor who argues for the conventional theories on virology and germ theory. And frankly, intellectual debate is what should be going on in universities. It should be the best minds challenging everything people assume to be true. Instead we just get force fed indoctrination and censorship and expulsion of anyone challenging established lies.
Thank you. You gave me some material to review tonight. Gonna roll a cigar and watch it later.
I'm watching your first suggested video through right now. So far I do find it intriguing. Specifically that to this day they have not isolated the supposed Covid virus. Also, Dr. Tom Cowan explains a viral infection testing method that sounds far more complicated and tedious than I would have guessed. I have read explanations of the PCR test being unreliable in the past, but the testing procedures are far more suspect than I understood previously.
I'd like to see this guy Dr. Tom Cowan in a civil debate with a doctor who argues for the conventional theories on virology and germ theory. And frankly, intellectual debate is what should be going on in universities. It should be the best minds challenging everything people assume to be true. Instead we just get force fed indoctrination and censorship and expulsion of anyone challenging established lies.
Thanks and feel free to ask questions if anything is unclear.
I want to be challenged by anyone so i can learn more (the more they ask me the more I dig) but on very specific questions, not generalisations.
This is the jew propaganda i was fed about AIDS, vaccines, germ theory