the moon landing happened on 7/20 or the 201st day of yr. this year will be the 648th month anniversary. 648 or 846 backwards is like 8min 48sec ‘cop’ stood on floyds neck in the “twin cities” under the “twin” sign in may (gemini). 8:46 first plane struck the “twin” tower.
846 (additionally) has to do with dna and twins (twin ladders, double helix the 8th chromosome given to you by your parents, set of 46 chromosomes). (watch the space “needle” new year’s eve show 2021, it was a dna / needle ritual bc “they” have to tell us what they are up to)
So for the meaning of 201 firstly, 201 as in “event 201” (plandemic exercise/covid also a twin /dna ritual, best most blatant “twin” event to date)
Agenda 21 (=one world order) and event 201 (=practice implementation of a one world order).
Someone pointed out on this forum to me that event 201 and agenda 21 means “going from 2” (old war order / separate church and state) to “1”)
also wtc as they also pointed out was 2 buildings then 0 buildings then 1 building (one world trade center).
I know you probably don’t care but this wasn’t really meant for you. Thanks for pointing out that there are key missing details on why the numbers are meaningful (to me). Hard to put alot of info in a meme and a sentence. (adhd nation)
I wish people would stop saying 40+21/30-42÷32 then when you add 7 you get 104.
It's clear nobody understands what any of this even means
the moon landing happened on 7/20 or the 201st day of yr. this year will be the 648th month anniversary. 648 or 846 backwards is like 8min 48sec ‘cop’ stood on floyds neck in the “twin cities” under the “twin” sign in may (gemini). 8:46 first plane struck the “twin” tower.
846 (additionally) has to do with dna and twins (twin ladders, double helix the 8th chromosome given to you by your parents, set of 46 chromosomes). (watch the space “needle” new year’s eve show 2021, it was a dna / needle ritual bc “they” have to tell us what they are up to)
So for the meaning of 201 firstly, 201 as in “event 201” (plandemic exercise/covid also a twin /dna ritual, best most blatant “twin” event to date) Agenda 21 (=one world order) and event 201 (=practice implementation of a one world order). Someone pointed out on this forum to me that event 201 and agenda 21 means “going from 2” (old war order / separate church and state) to “1”) also wtc as they also pointed out was 2 buildings then 0 buildings then 1 building (one world trade center).
I know you probably don’t care but this wasn’t really meant for you. Thanks for pointing out that there are key missing details on why the numbers are meaningful (to me). Hard to put alot of info in a meme and a sentence. (adhd nation)