There's a phrase that goes, "cessante causa, cessat effectus".
It means, loosely, "the effect ends when the cause is removed".
Look around at the world today. I mean take a good look. Take your rose-colored glasses off, remove your 6-figure salary blinder, and really open your eyes to reality. It's not good, and it's getting worse.
Complacency is the cause of most of it. Remove complacency and the effects we're seeing caused by it will also cease to exist.
There's no one person, or demographic, to blame for this either. It's you, me, everyone. The money-hungry corpo exec is no more guilty than the burger flipper is.
I mean, it's technically caused by a handful of ultra-wealthy individuals... But, I digress...
While the money-hungry exec might be blinded by the lust for wealth, the burger flipper is equally blinded by "the grind".
However, both are ultimately blinded to reality by complacency. On one side, the complacency that comes with believing "it'll never impact me", and on the other believing "why should I pay attention when my own life already sucks?".
These are both examples of complacency-caused effects. At the end of the day, it's beliefs like this that have allowed the perpetuation of alllllll this bullshit.
Ultimately, most of us are in the middle somewhere. Just trying to get by and enjoy life. But what about your kids? What about their kids? What kind of world do you want them to live in? Can you honestly say to yourself it's this one?
The answer isn't "da jooz" either. They're a scapegoat. Realize that.
Vidi, veni ____ Willy Clinton
Carlos Marcello made several threats against John F. Kennedy. He told Edward Becker that a dog will continue to bite you if you cut off its tail. Whereas if you cut off the dog's head, it would cease to cause you trouble.
a) cause (process of dying) sets beginning (inception) and end (death) for effect (living).
b) causes moves; effect RE (response to) MOVE (being moved by).
Reasoning (good vs bad) over suggested (nothing) tempts one to ignore that looking around implies as perceiving (partial) within perceivable (whole)...hence "it's everything".
Life being moved from inception towards death implies temporary growth within ongoing loss...oneself chooses the perspective.
Living within the process of dying implies as temporary resistance (living) within ongoing temptation (dying)...consenting to suggested tempts one to ignore being the resistance within perceivable.
In other words...the natural order (process of dying) demands resistance (living)...others tempt one to follow suggested orders instead.
Existence (life) implies within ceasing (inception towards death).
Each one (perceiving) within oneness (perceivable) shirk response-ability (free will of choice) by consenting to the suggested choices of others...doing so tempts one to blame other ones for the consequences.
Before belief (want) vs disbelief (not want) exists ones free will of choice to ignore perceivable (need) for suggested (want).
a) suggested ultimate (furthest point of progression aka death) tempts one to ignore being the center (life) of progression (inception towards death).
b) suggested "us" (plural) tempts one (singular) to ignore being partial (perceiving) within whole (process of dying).
c) free will of choice exists at the center of balance (need/want); balance (momentum) exists at the center of motion....momentum (growth) within motion (loss) together (hence in balance with each other) represent the internal/inherent power of energy.
All represents one in energy aka "all for one and one for all" aka "there can be only one" aka "alone"...ALL(IN)ONE.
Does being response-ability (free will of choice) imply a responsibility to ones origin (balance)? Does temporary growth need to struggle within ongoing loss and does that struggle represents resisting (need) temptations (want)?
"to succeed with the least possible effort" (getting by) tempts one to ignore being within the most potent force (process of dying), hence struggling to increase the force of resistance (living) within the force of velocity (dying)...that takes effort.
a) the suggested jewish question tempts one to seek suggested answers, while ignoring to be the temporary problem (living) within the ongoing solution (process of dying), hence struggling to resist being dissolved by.
b) if all represents one in energy, then one is surrounded by other ones aka by others partials within the same whole. Ignoring to be one for claiming to be "me" shapes everyone else into a "you" (phonetic jew)...hence shirking response-ability over oneself tempting to blame others.
If each one of the many ignores free will of choice within perceivable for the suggested choices of others, then the few become the "chosen ones".