posted ago by LightBringerFlex ago by LightBringerFlex +18 / -0

These riddles have taken me years to solve but here is the info People need to know to reverse course to higher ground.

The body/brain/personality in the physical world are just a concept or idea. The real power is in the Soul. The Soul is a tiny piece of the greater Spirit. The greater Spirit is perfect because it is connected directly to Source/Creator/God. All power and morals come from Source.

The soul departs the Spirit to experience duality for some time and then returns back home eventually and reconnects to the Spirit. The Soul's more concerned with happiness, sense of purpose, joy, love, relationships, ect.. while the body the more concerned with food, water, shelter, physical comfort, money, ect...

Back in the day, the human soul was much more connected to the human brain. The soul lives inside the heart center which connects to the heart chakra. The heart chakra is the portal that leads back to the Spirit. The deep state cults figured out a way to temporarily disconnect the brain from the soul and since all morals come from the soul which gets it's power from the Greater Spirit, disconnected humans have a much harder time being moral as they are acting as pure physical beings while the main portion of their being is disconnected.

The Reptilians are basically the ones running the deep state as the managers. They evolved during the Dinosaur era. The Dinosaurs died out because they were so gigantic and ate up all of the food but weren't smart enough to fix the food problem. Some smaller reptiles did survive though and one evolved to the Reptilian class. The reason the Reptiles are so cold hearted ("cold blooded") is because the density of their body creates a serious disconnect between brain and heart. This is why reptiles are willing to eat their own children like with the crocodiles. This also explains why many Reptilians chose the dark side with their devil cult. The devil cult's 2 major philosophies are selfishness and enslavement. Their enslavement of humanity required disconnected humanity from our own inner powers and believe me, there is a LOT of power that is dormant within us.

The 10 stands of "junk DNA" is very important to access these powers. A lot of them are turned off through long term medication of humanity especially through vaccines. Reptilians and some others originally used this technology on early humans to turn them off from their soul and turn them into a slave race. No matter what, evolution is always trying to reconnect back so all they can do is slow humans down. They can never stop us. The reason why so many humans are angry nowadays is because the human soul is connecting more and more with the body and feeding info to the brain about how bad things really are. The soul cannot stand the degeneracy.

I am not recommending anything, but it seems to me that magic mushrooms and even more so, ayuwasca tea reactivate some of these dormant skills. This is what originally triggered the "war on drugs". The deep state did not want us to get our hands on this stuff so they made it illegal. Meanwhile, they imported all the other unhealthy drugs into the US and made billions of them while getting our People addicted. They also didn't like marijuana but marijuana isn't nearly as powerful as magic shrooms or ayuwasca. Ayuwasca is by far the most powerful. People who take it lose all their addictions and trauma. They come out feeling like a newborn baby without any trauma, happier and strong than ever. Magic shrooms have a similar effect.

These are all little tips to help People reconnect. Another tip is to meditate for at least 5 minutes a day by shutting off all lights, closing the eyes in silence and simply stop thinking period. This actually has the same effect as shrooms but it is very slow and takes time to develop.

Next, the deep state has been flooding the water supply with fluoride to calcify the pineal gland which is more connected to the Crown Chakra. The Crown Chakra is like an antenna that downloads info from higher places like advice or knowledge. The way to fix this is to use iodine like Lugol's Iodine and filter all water in the house using any filter that blocks fluoride. Reverse Osmosis is the best.

The human evolution process is really speeding up lately due to natural effects. The deep state knew this and began pushing all kinds of poison in food, water, air and medical pills to slow us down but there is no way to stop it completely. If we all focus on this, incredible skills we never knew about will pop up like telepathy or even being able to share skills like playing instruments or wood working or whatever. There are many possibilities.