Here is what I believe is another social experiment that few talked about.
Did the schools teach children to not trust strangers just to prevent societies from coming together against the invaders (who call themselves "elites") as they occupy society? It's a nice way to hold everyone accountable for the sake of total control.
Also it allows the fact that MOST ABUSES CAME FROM RELATIVES AND CLOSE ONES to conveniently slip under the radar. It's less likely for outsiders to take action when dad is raping or beating her daughter, after all.
Absolutely evil as I call it. But also brilliant.
This is one perspective.
But in reality, people are dangerous especially the ones you do not know.
Without awareness and general rule of law we would see chaos run rampant, as the current evidence shows.
So, you could surmise the reason we generally see abuse come from close proximity is because of the safety systems built.
The rule of thumb is simple, you cannot have such a large society people do not care.
This is the point to suburbs and other such devices, the attempt to create small comfortable unions of people that can be societal together, because that is what people want. Living around strangers was not the best plan.