Demonize 'compounds' and unauthorized groups/religions while creating endless varieties of same.
Make mail order/later assembly of butt stocks illegal
Allow military use against citizens.
Eliminate Clinton bodyguards who knew too much
Reveal the ability to snoop all emails and comms. (Reno revealed this to the press)
Taking on a fine Christian name
This name derives from the Old Persian “Kūrush > Kūruš”, meaning “forward-looking, farsighted, or young”. Cyrus II of Persia (Cyrus the Great), was the founder of the Achaemenid Empire.
The name is sometimes associated with the Greek term kýrios (κύριος) "Lord", from which comes Cyril.
Mossad psyop from beginning to end
Demonize 'compounds' and unauthorized groups/religions while creating endless varieties of same.
Make mail order/later assembly of butt stocks illegal
Allow military use against citizens.
Eliminate Clinton bodyguards who knew too much
Reveal the ability to snoop all emails and comms. (Reno revealed this to the press)
Taking on a fine Christian name
MEANING: This name derives from the Old Persian “Kūrush > Kūruš”, meaning “forward-looking, farsighted, or young”. Cyrus II of Persia (Cyrus the Great), was the founder of the Achaemenid Empire.
The name is sometimes associated with the Greek term kýrios (κύριος) "Lord", from which comes Cyril.