posted ago by Gesirisi ago by Gesirisi +5 / -8

Hunchback of Notre Dame. What a classic Disney film.

-As the movie begins, the White French King kills an innocent POC (Person of Color) gypsy for absolutely no good reason.

-He considers murdering her baby, but decides to keep him around because he is Evil and might be able to take advantage of the defenseless child later on

-That child is Quasimodo. Who is a POC genetically but is drawn White for no reason that makes sense to the story

-The Hunchback, POC Quasimodo is now an adult

-He wins an award for being the biggest freak

-All of the White French villagers are pelting Quasimodo with fruit

-White people are just evil and like to throw food at physically disfigured people. It's what we do

-Only the Stunning and Brave POC Esmerelda has the guts stands up for him, boldly standing up to an entire crowd of evil White French.

-She even talks back to the King defiantly.

-The White King and entire crowd are evil at this point. The only Good characters are the POC gypsy, and POC Quasimodo

-POC Esmerelda is able to defeat the King's best male soldier in a sword fight (Stunning/Brave, always happens in real life)

-But the soldier stands up for the POC against the King and saves her life, which makes him a Good guy now

-The Priest stands up for the POC against the King, which makes him a good guy

-Whites can become good guys only by defending minorities

-An entire community of POC gypsy's live beneath France in hiding, oppressed by the evil White French.

-They dindu nuffin. There is absolutely no reason anyone would not want them in France. Only evil White racism can possibly be the reason

-The French King violently raids the gypsy's hideout and takes StunningBrave Esmerelda to be executed

-But in the last minute POC Quasimodo swoops down to save her

-The White French crowd are now applauding as Quasimodo hoists the POC woman over his head. The Whites cheers erupt as the POC has been rescued and adorns all of their love and affection

-The White French villagers are now Good, because they cheered for the POC

-A brawl breaks out

-The evil White King and his henchmen are defeated

-The POC woman and White French soldier hold hands, falling in love and presumably make non-White babies after the credits roll- the best kind of babies

-The formerly racist French are now enlightened in anti-racism. They embrace the gypsy's because they are Good White people now