NaturePhobia So afraid of natural processes, one must artificially create
BinaryPhobia Inability to process the concept of two choices
While we are on the topic of language, lets call those NaturePhobic and BinaryPhobic for what they are. Fearful of nature and the concept of a choice between two options.
Granted there is no choice when it comes to gender. Im happy with these two labels.
Whats gonna be? Who is really the fearful person here? Is it the person who questiona nature and is unable to process the most basic of decisions ? ( in this case the 'brilliant' idea of going head on against nature )
If you ask me, the person who accepts nature for what it is has the ability to focus on actual real problems that dont involve the imagination placing a false identity over one self.
Youre afraid of nature if youre trying to change what you were born as.
Youre afraid of decisions if you think you have the ability to choose your own gender.
Oh well.
Let the war continue.
Shaped out of perceivable sound and suggested towards consent as words to one's called spell-craft. Those who adapt to perceivable sound represent PHONETICIANS (from phonics,sound), while those who consent to suggested words as definitions represent DEAF PHONETICIANS.
The few suggest "insane person" to tempt the many to ignore perceivable IN SANUS (within sound) and PER SONOS (by sound), which imply being within, by, out of and in response to perceivable sound, as the reacting resonance (need) or dissonance (want)...depending on ones free will of choice.
What will one choose...need (perceivable inspiration) or want (suggested information)?
Consenting to want or not want suggested information tempts one into the conflict of reason aka want versus not want. There's no fight between perceivable whole and each perceiving partial...only if the partial ignores the whole for the suggestions of other partials can there be a fight.
As resistance (life) within velocity (inception towards death) one represents the temporary growth of resistance within the ongoing loss of velocity, while being tempted by others to spend resistance against one another instead of for the sustenance of self.
If each one of the many willingly ignores to resist, then the few can exploit them while facing less and less resistance...until velocity generates the next batch of resistance.