If they cannot live up to their purpose, ignore them completely like trash on the sidewalk (actually sometimes I put the trash in the bin) but the government is non-existent.
They are not a thing unless they are given voice by me....realise this. Only participate when it benefits you directly. All other actions are to be actively ignored, and they are to be given no thought.
They have nothing except what is given to them..they are useless unless they can help you. If they cannot. Ignore them completely.
Do not respond to them. The burden is on them, and they will do nothing because they can do nothong without real people.
a) notice that the many keep seeking answers from the few, hence already consenting to be on the quest (question) to follow orders.
b) following implies the want to follow suggested over the need to resist perceivable.
c) consenting to suggested tempts one to ignore perceivable.
A non player character shirks responsibility for a game deemed dangerous onto others, while following them towards the consequences of going into danger.
a) the "deepest" place within a balance based system implies ones free will of choice, the more one chooses to adapt to balance, the more one grows.
b) to fix tempts one to ignore being temporary (life) within ongoing (inception towards death), hence being let loose to consciously participate within the whole.
Others suggest one to want to fix aka to "heal the world by bringing together" (tikkun olam), which tempts the partial (living) to ignore resisting the whole (process of dying).
Nature sets itself apart, the ones within need to struggle to sustain apartheid within wholeness, while others tempt one to put back together, while holding onto.
c) if choice represents the deepest part of existence, and the many are burying it underneath willing ignorance, then ones attempts to suggest them other choices keeps piling ignorance upon it. Only ones expressed growth can inspire others to resist the temptation or repressing self.
a) work (energy) to way (process of dying) to wanderer (living) aka action/reaction as the internal/inherent power of energy.
b) programming others implies by suggestion; yet the ignorance of perceivable makes one programmable by the suggestions of others. You ain't helping the many, you are trying to wrestle control over the many from the few when attempting to program them. If you succeed you would become the parasitic few.
Try Sisyphus... http://toursmaps.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/the-myth-of-sisyphus_12.jpg Whenever your efforts helped you raise to the top; the ignorant responses of others discard it exponentially faster, while tempting you to make your way back down to the lowest common denominator for the next attempt.