This is what the last straw was for me. I was getting harassed for something I wrote and replied, "Comments like this are making me think I should nuke my account and leave for good."
Then a day later I got a ton of upvotes for some random comment I made about how I thought some picture looked nice. That one comment earned me about 10% of the total points that I accumulated from a few years of posting and commenting.
I just seemed like an algorithm put into place to retain users. I deleted my account that day and have had no reason to go back.
This is what the last straw was for me. I was getting harassed for something I wrote and replied, "Comments like this are making me think I should nuke my account and leave for good."
Then a day later I got a ton of upvotes for some random comment I made about how I thought some picture looked nice. That one comment earned me about 10% of the total points that I accumulated from a few years of posting and commenting.
I just seemed like an algorithm put into place to retain users. I deleted my account that day and have had no reason to go back.