It is the destruction of religion that has caused a lack matrimony and family.
It is the increased consumption and greed that has caused a lack of birth.
Basically today land ownership is the least in history. Romania has the greatest household ownership in Europe as one of its poorest nations. Landowners are the wealthiest, gaining far more rent. Corps own more land than Kings. While Kings collect rents. To own land is mostly wealth inherited. But wealth lost today in lack of dowry. Marriages in eyes of God and community lasting more than Western averages of about 3-7 years. Because Celebs have killed matrimony. The gossip pays them more to fornicate, and divorce also works the system. Kids today needing far more to live than ever. Each kid needs a separate home. While the elderly are no longer cared for by their families, shoved into pension systems to die. Instead of on their land, households passed down for generations. The system, education, simply providing debt instead of once working the land. Services costing more debt on every service sold. The land shrinking the more population it adds, homes are becoming some of the smallest abominations, flats on these condos going taller, instead of the natural landscape, that were once heritages.
Banks have destroyed civilization. They're the only winners off the debt incurred. The mortgage, the educational bonds, the credit and finance. Until you pay more for less and less. We are back to feudalism.
It is the destruction of religion that has caused a lack matrimony and family.
It is the increased consumption and greed that has caused a lack of birth.
Basically today land ownership is the least in history. Romania has the greatest household ownership in Europe as one of its poorest nations. Landowners are the wealthiest, gaining far more rent. Corps own more land than Kings. While Kings collect rents. To own land is mostly wealth inherited. But wealth lost today in lack of dowry. Marriages in eyes of God and community lasting more than Western averages of about 3-7 years. Because Celebs have killed matrimony. The gossip pays them more to fornicate, and divorce also works the system. Kids today needing far more to live than ever. Each kid needs a separate home. While the elderly are no longer cared for by their families, shoved into pension systems to die. Instead of on their land, households passed down for generations. The system, education, simply providing debt instead of once working the land. Services costing more debt on every service sold. The land shrinking the more population it adds, homes are becoming some of the smallest abominations, flats on these condos going taller, instead of the natural landscape, that were once heritages.
Banks have destroyed civilization. They're the only winners off the debt incurred. The mortgage, the educational bonds, the credit and finance. Until you pay more for less and less. We are back to feudalism.
"focus on landing a CAREEEERRR"
"but what if i just want a job..."
NO!! you MUST get a careeerrrr
i ALWAYS fucking hated that x(