Seth Dillon is an Ashkenazi Zionist that came out of nowhere and bought the Babylon Bee from Adam Ford.
Some point out they often do that, become crypto jews and use their fiat paper scam to buy everyone out and infiltrate, then sabotage from within (thousands became Christian pastors and priests back in the 1930's to then push Marxism/liberalism).
It seems almost like it's in their DNA to start rubbing their hands together and dreaming of White genocide. Even the ones who might not be in on any plan, for some reason all obsess over "we must race mix Whites out of existence to then have world peace."
As if the mere existence of White people causes other races to envy.
Seems the best way to fix "racism" is for each race to have their own nation, not mix everyone together in the first place (talmudists though, want to mongrelize the world, then rule over it all).
I agree about the crypto Jews point. But it's not like creating a nation of different races is unique to Jews. White people created the New World as it is today, and made it mixed. Not Jews (they just tagged along and profited).
White people created nations with a mix of races in them. They also mixed races via intermarriage in every country they conquered including the USA where early settlers were mixing with Native Americans.
And looking beyond the USA it is undeniable the mixing white people created on these two New World continents. Mexico. Brazil. Peru. Venezeula. Etc. They first created nations comprised of a mix of different races and then intermarried. And no evidence of a Jewish plot for that.
Whites (like all empire builders) showed no desire to create nations on strict racial lines. In nearly every place they conquered they created multi ethnic nations where they could exploit the natives.
He also said this, that he doesn't support that but is trolling Fuentes supporters
But if he is serious about being a Zionist, that is pretty gay.
Seth Dillon is an Ashkenazi Zionist that came out of nowhere and bought the Babylon Bee from Adam Ford.
Some point out they often do that, become crypto jews and use their fiat paper scam to buy everyone out and infiltrate, then sabotage from within (thousands became Christian pastors and priests back in the 1930's to then push Marxism/liberalism).
It seems almost like it's in their DNA to start rubbing their hands together and dreaming of White genocide. Even the ones who might not be in on any plan, for some reason all obsess over "we must race mix Whites out of existence to then have world peace."
As if the mere existence of White people causes other races to envy.
Seems the best way to fix "racism" is for each race to have their own nation, not mix everyone together in the first place (talmudists though, want to mongrelize the world, then rule over it all).
I agree about the crypto Jews point. But it's not like creating a nation of different races is unique to Jews. White people created the New World as it is today, and made it mixed. Not Jews (they just tagged along and profited).
White people created nations with a mix of races in them. They also mixed races via intermarriage in every country they conquered including the USA where early settlers were mixing with Native Americans.
And looking beyond the USA it is undeniable the mixing white people created on these two New World continents. Mexico. Brazil. Peru. Venezeula. Etc. They first created nations comprised of a mix of different races and then intermarried. And no evidence of a Jewish plot for that.
Whites (like all empire builders) showed no desire to create nations on strict racial lines. In nearly every place they conquered they created multi ethnic nations where they could exploit the natives.