posted ago by Mrexreturns ago by Mrexreturns +14 / -2

I wonder what if we'll soon start worshiping him too?

It's obviously not as obvious as "Klaus Schwab", "Covid-19 Plandemic" or the CCP or Putin. They are simply not charismatic and they have a bad name enough to be not the Antichrist.

It will be something SO unexpected, SO sneaky and SO subtle that it will basically make the Batman Who Laughs a run for his money.

It WILL be something we aren't prepared for.

I don't think that the Germans are PREPARED for Hitler killing Aryans (The establishment glosses over everything but the supposed "6 million Jews") and surrendering all of Germany to modern Israel and the UN.

History repeats.

If some man comes in to stop an ongoing Second American Civil War between the Far Left and the Far Right, then told you the truth, that 9/11 is fake, Covid is fake, the whole LGBTQ+ movement is an invalid farce...I believe that most Americans WILL fall for it.

Even the keenest of people will. If you can see regular posters HERE, if there are any left, giving this man infinite praise like with the NPCs you'll know it's business.

And this is when this man propels the USA and all of her allies to WWIII and UN occupation.

Of course there will be nothing afterwards, and soon we'll all have two genders by 2050.

There's a chance that it will occur in a slightly different way, though. But you get the idea it will be TOTALLY unexpected and TOTALLY fugly.