posted ago by LeoLittlebook ago by LeoLittlebook +12 / -6

Obviously monogamy is the ideal of human mating. If you'd like to know how it should work, read Jesus Christ's novel, For the Love of His Own Creation, for free. The protagonist's relationship is ideal.

Info technology has a concept called "graceful degradation". When errors occur, conditions are suboptimal and performance is poor, does a toolchain have the robustness to persist and mostly work? Can it recover and repair itself, or will it spiral into catastrophic failure?

The question of how to gracefully degrade mating has occupied me since I noticed that my bluepilled Churchian romanticism was incompatible with life in Marriage 2.0 Weimerica.

At the end of the feral decline process, one finds the barbarian, whose basic virility repels civilized vice and restores functional reproduction to the post- mouse-utopia wasteland. If Christian monogamy is the ideal, then barbarian polygamy is the minimum real.

The overarching goal is to provide paternal certainty and fatherhood to children, at any cost. If you do not understand why this is necessary, examine statistics on how abuse makes bastards gay r-selected bullies. In the normal historical cycle, these bastards create chaos and suffering that forges barbarian strength. Thus the sooner men learn strength, the sooner evil recedes.

The antidote to decline is not civilization, but barbarism. That is why I take every opportunity to insult and offend Western uncivilization: because it has become gay and weak, and therefore must be destroyed and reforged.

Western civilization is responsible for multiple existential threats:

  • fostering sodomite kike Communism;
  • technologically enabling planetary environmental de-terraforming;
  • capitulating humanity to the **** Agenda after Roswell, and concealing the impending solar ***** from the public;
  • permitting universal suffrage to develop towards its logical conclusion of mass migration and global nuclear war;
  • permitting mass abortion to damn humanity in the eyes of God, spirits and aliens of every alignment.

It would be reasonable to simply crucify every American Boomer man so that future generations prefer to die fighting rather than endanger humanity's survival through comfortable consent. Reminding them that they are scum unworthy of the name "human", let alone "American", is the least any patriot can do. The attitude that subsequent American generations owe geriatric traitors Medicare is ludicrous. Their only entitlement is a 50-cent ammo subsidy to unscramble the TV-rotted mush between their ears. Dead is an improvement over dead stupid, and death is the only clarity that can come to their clot-clouded minds. Were I king, their corpses would be eaten by swine, televised, and the shit shipped to Liberia, along with every Democrat.

Now that I have set the scene, you are ready to hear my barbarian mating method.

The basic barbarian virtue is virility. This means, as a rule, hitting on fertile women, fucking them immediately if they signal receptivity, dominating them, and inseminating them by default. This is not done as a feral Casanova maximizing hedonistic sterile sex, but as part of the barbarian's basic behavior pattern of dominant masculinity, which includes a healthy contempt for poisonous whores who offer neither hearth nor heirs.

Conan: What is it you seek? | YouTube

He still fucks them, but warily.

conan and the witch en Cuenca | YouTube

Honestly Conan, a girl can let her glamor slip when you hit the groove, but it's rude to stop. Flip her over if she gets bitey; you've got 200 pounds on her and she's taking it like a champ. What kind of superstitious loser kicks psychic ass out of bed?

Virile behavior can obviously result in a large number of unsupported pregnancies, followed by child support and prison, depending on one's jurisdiction. The barbarian is wily and nomadic; he despises the wickedness of cities.

The barbarian accepts his inability to control a broken world, but still desires good for his children. This can only be secured through the cooperation of a good woman. The barbarian is a leader of men, and a tamer of woman and beast. From the strength of his heritage, he personally defines what is good, and imposes this order onto those in his charismatic orbit.

Conan the Barbarian is depicted as fearful and rejecting of magic, but this is a dichotomy for a civilized rational audience that fears the uncanny. Indigenous people drew no distinction between spirituality, religion and magic, embracing them as part of the natural order.

Therefore the barbarian is as much mage as warrior, communing with ancestor and nature spirits. This is key, because woman is more psychically attuned than man, and cannot be fully tamed unless the man provides spiritual leadership.

Indigenous peoples control their fertility through herbalism. This prevents the horrid civilized trend of exhausting a woman with serial pregnancies, killing her early and raising a brood of malnourished grain-fed sickly weaklings.

What is the purpose of years of non-procreative mating? Magic. Spiritual cultivation. Tantric sex. Preparing the woman to channel the strongest possible soul into your heir. Preparing her to calmly, peacefully rear the child in a psychic safe zone. Inviting allied spirits to ward your hearth from evil. Creating a fortress of light in a dark world.

Train your girl till she's spiritually multi-orgasmic before allowing her to conceive. Simply brushing castor oil onto your dick for lube is probably enough, if you don't have spermicide or IUD. One can carry a condom for surprises. It is difficult to respect yourself as a man if you don't fuck an available girl at first opportunity, but nobody wants a careless pregnancy (except the subconscious of the bitch in heat).

Monogamy requires respectable families and intact communities to enforce good female behavior. There are no respectable men in the West, since they would be imprisoned for thermiting abortion clinics if they had any chivalrous regard for innocent life.

Therefore one must use female hypergamy, fostering competition to produce obedience. Build a stable with bottom bitch getting the first baby prize and training the other girls. Threesomes and beyond.

Monogamy is the best way to do it, but if you want to set an impressive example, nothing beats a harem. In the absence of a respectable family to marry into, the threat of harem churn keeps feral women in line.

The advantage of a barbarian harem is that it reconciles responsible breeding with masculine mating, and gives pre-procreative sex a telos, reducing female self-destructiveness, which manifests as drugs, promiscuity, tattoos, cutting, etc. Don't get cultishly stifling with the Positivity. It's sex magick; choke a bitch. Satisfy her dark side and she won't seek it elsewhere.

Basically you're making her into your psychic priestess who whole-body orgasms to channel your heirs by worshiping your dick. Sounds fun. Oh, and teach her about God when you're not fucking.

Imagine making your house a spiritual paradise for kids. Not in some corny sense, but on the astral side. Kids are psychically wide open. Why let nightmares feed on their fears?

If you were wondering what good human's surplus sexual energy is, now you know: get Tantric. And I don't mean doing weird kegel exercise or interminable sex. Barbarians don't care about that. It's the shamanic side that counts. Make sure your girl knows that sex is spiritual, even quickies. Get her talking dirty and begging for your cum. Her dial goes way past what you think is possible, so use your imagination and find out how far up the Well of ***** you can jam your dick from her pussy into her brain. She wants to be impaled on your Yang obelisk. When her worship of you gets uncomfortably blasphemous, that's the groove. Don't mind her babbling as she touches the transcendent.

I wrote this essay to see how the ideas fit together, and am entertained. One will never learn anything by only writing things one agrees with. As to whether I will actually wind up with a harem, it would be annoying. Those who have dated multiple women simultaneously are aware of the tedium. However, had I this blueprint as a teenager, my performance would've improved.