Here’s a rare conspiracy most people haven’t heard of. I read it from Rothschilds 2009 Q&A called “I am rofschild, axe me a question”.
Rothschild (red shield of Rome) knows a lot because he is literally the guardian of the Roman Empire and manages their money.
He said back in ancient times, humans instinctively and intuitively knew stuff until the Egyptian devil cult government created language with the intention to create mass separation of concepts. Before, humans saw all of Life as One but by naming stuff, they slowly began seeing things as totally separate and independent objects or people.
This isn’t true because a tree becomes a chair then becomes a fire and then becomes ashes and then ashes become part of the Earth which can then become almost anything including part of the food that is eaten by a mother to produce another baby human. Everything is all mega system but to confuse the People, the Egyptians created language.
Some might say verbal language is necessary but in the future we will all use visual telepathy to speak which means images (not words). Our intuition always plays a part and figures things out for us but more so without language.
So by creating language, the deep state put humans a step back from full blown telepathy which is a much easier form of communication.
Also, Social Media is tech assisted telepathy. It has primed our mind to do telepathy meaning if it was ever shut down, humans would discover telepathy. This is 1 reason why they can’t shut down the internet.
INTUI'TION, noun [Latin intuitus, intueor; in and tueor.] - "a looking on; a sight or view; but restricted to mental view or perception"
KNOWL'EDGE, noun - "perception of that which exists"
Hence intuition representing IN (being within) TUEOR (perceivable knowledge), which implies as the perceiving recipient thereof.
Suggesting words over perceivable sound implies transmutation of suggested ingredient out of perceivable base, not creation out of nothing. The few suggest creationism to tempt the consenting many to ignore being the perceiving ingredient within the perceivable base, hence representing alchemical transmutation...not creation of creator.
As for "until"...everyone (perceiving) still exists within everything (perceivable); each one of the many simply willingly ignores that for the suggestions of the few.
a) nature represents the mass separation of incepts, hence the whole (process of dying) generating the inception of each partial one living within.
b) the few suggest mass accumulation to each other one, hence shaping the accumulated, compounded many by the consent of each one to be a part of e pluribus unum (out of many, one), tikkun olam (healing the world by bringing together); united states; united nations; european union; uniformity; equality (same) through diversity (different).
c) living within the process of dying implies apartheid within wholeness, hence the temporary struggle to sustain apartheid (life) while being re-accumulated (inception towards death) back into wholeness. And once again the RE (response to) implies ones response to temporary resist (living) the ongoing temptation (dying).
Each ONE partial (living) within the whole (process of dying) ONENESS.
a) everything perceivable represents a moving differences from the one perceiving it.
b) IN (being within) DEPENDENT (dependency to) implies being alive within (in) the process of dying (dependent).
c) a thing (partial) cannot see a total (whole), only the ongoing separation of the whole into each partial through the momentum of motion.
Therefore each one represents TELE (living apart) within PATH (whole process of dying).
What would ONENESS reason about and with whom? ONENESS operates on implication (if/then), the ones within can choose to ignore it for reasoning against other ones about what suggestions mean.
All represents one in EN'ERGY, noun [Gr. work.] - "internal or inherent power" aka temporary conscious awareness within ongoing implications...and the free will of choice to react in adherence (need) or ignorance (want).