posted ago by axolotl_peyotl ago by axolotl_peyotl +27 / -3

Back in the heyday of /r/conspiracy about a decade ago, it was really obvious which topics were worthy of investigation, because you would be aggressively attacked for even mentioning them.

The hot button topics were usually Israel/Mossad, Federal Reserve/$, Monsanto/glyphosate and vaccines. Discussing these issues would get you swarmed by the same sockpuppet accounts.

A similar phenomenon happens on .win, albeit on a smaller scale. Whenever I mention reddit's collusion with the US gov inevitably the same contingent shows up and tells me to "move on" and how "nobody cares."

Well, you clearly care, otherwise why are you so insistent I stop talking about it? I still get PMs on .win from reddit miscreants telling me they're gonna get me in "two more weeks." lol ok.

This is literally a conspiracy forum for wide-eyed, high octane speculation. If you don't like a thread, downvote it and move on. Why are you harassing OP with transparent attempts at intimidation?

For the non-shills who don't care either...you don't have to, but if you were paying attention you'd realize that what happened on reddit is at the heart of the coup of the internet by bad actors that has unfolded over the last few years. Reddit may be only one piece of the puzzle, but it's a significant one, and one that's so blatant that it's among the easiest to unravel, and doing so may ultimately prove to be a catalyst that started with Twitter and eventually will take down the other Big Tech juggernauts too.

The censorship on reddit regarding COVID, elections, etc played a major rule in the brainwashing of an entire generation, and this clearly was by design. It's why I spent 10 years sounding the alarm of vaccine and pandemic propaganda on reddit, and why they had to take me out.

To the shills: you'd do the same in my position. You'd laugh at the absurdity of it, make occasional posts so it remains fresh, and continue the fight elsewhere.

I'm never going to stop talking about it. Stay mad, I guess? I welcome the abuse, it always means I'm right.

Happy New Year, all!

This next year is our moment. Let's rise to the occasion.