posted ago by Mad_King_Kalak ago by Mad_King_Kalak +10 / -0

My father-in-law, mother-in-law and her new husband all got the MRNa COVID shots and one or more boosters. All are in mid to late 70s, are fat, but otherwise had no other medical conditions.

My father-in-law regrets taking the covid shot, and now experiences severe pain in his arms. He has said he wished he listened to me and didn't take it, and the only reason he did was to "make this nonsense go away." I told him at that point, not to take the flu shot after he said he was going to, but relax, he assured me. He took the traditional shot made from dead virus. He's fine.

My mother-in-law went into cardiac arrest after the covid shot. Spent two weeks in the hospital and now has heart damage. Still, she was determined to take the flu shot despite my wife's advice. She took the new "recombinant" flu shot (or one of the new versions, I'm not sure which) and the result was that she got a heart arrhythmia, and when combined with a bottle of wine, she fell and hit her head and now the prognosis is that she's heading to a rest home if not a funeral home.

My mother-in-law's new husband also took the covid shot and boosters. Can't move his arm where he got the shot. Otherwise he's fine. He says, "it's going to take more than some shot to kill me." Still, he took the flu shot, but he also took one of the new versions. Has since developed a nasty cough that won't go away, weeks now he's been hacking.

My conclusion, is that the covid shot with the new types of flu shots, leads to adverse outcomes for those who take them. Not sure why, other than the weakened immune system from the MRNa shots and the new flu shots that are supposed to trigger an antigen response don't par well together. Anybody have a better take?

Types of flu shots: https://www.cdc.gov/flu/prevent/flushot.htm