The Real Anthony Fauci by RFK Jr. Is a solid 900 pages of documented evidence that the government is lying to us. It describes in detail the medically documented success of a protocol that includes vitamin d and zinc, among other things. I'm sure the sources cited therein would be more than enough to prove that they work in court. Problem with courts is they want expert witnesses, and expert witnesses are expensive, and in this case, it's possible to "discredit" them with the "official" narrative of lies.
The Real Anthony Fauci by RFK Jr. Is a solid 900 pages of documented evidence that the government is lying to us. It describes in detail the medically documented success of a protocol that includes vitamin d and zinc, among other things. I'm sure the sources cited therein would be more than enough to prove that they work in court. Problem with courts is they want expert witnesses, and expert witnesses are expensive, and in this case, it's possible to "discredit" them with the "official" narrative of lies.