The COVID “Vaccinated” Are A Health Threat To The Unvaccinated, Warns Dr. McCullough | SHTF Plan
Is it possible as an unvaccinated person to become contaminated with covid chemicals through exposure to others who have been jabbed? The answer is yes, according to Dr. Peter McCullough.
I live in probs one of the most vaccinated states. Literally my entire family is vaxxed except for my little immediate wife, kids, and a couple brother in laws. I never once been sick from "shedding". What the fuck does that even mean. Then you know it a "real credible" source when they post this as a "proof"
“This is just the start of ‘the beginning of sorrows’ Jesus prophesied in Matthew 24:8,” wrote another, pointing to the Holy Scriptures for guidance about what comes next.
Yes the vax is hurting people I see it clear as day in my daily life. But shedding? Send me some of what you are smoking please.
My wife works in a profession where she interacts with people all day. When the vax was first rolled out (and she knew she was coming into contact with vaxxed people because they were all bragging) she suddenly got a horrific case of shingles. Just one data point, but still.
I am by no means saying the vax is safe and effective. I whole heartedly believe it is a kill shot. I personally have lost 3 family members so far due to heart attacks suddenly. The shedding tho. Thats seems like a stretch. I can see them damaging their own cells, similarly to HIV. But HIV doesnt far as we know?
I mean it straight up changed their dna, the very cells of their bodies have literally been forcefully mutated, I don't think it's super far fetched though would still like to see more studies, if true it's a rough pill to swallow since most who refused the jabs thought they were safe, who wants to be told they are still exposed even if they made the right choice
how do you actually know the "covid" bioweapon doesn't screw up your dna? been a year since i had the second round of "covid" and im still messed up from it
Drugs are assumed dangerous until proven safe. Gene therapies need to have the proteins produced by the patient measured for shedding & the safety of shedded protein on other people also needs to be tested for FDA approval before COVID. This isn't a new idea specific to the COVID injections. As with most of this stuff, people get the idea but are not from that technical area of the industry so they speak in sloppy ways.