SHORT - long (process of dying) causing short (living)
MESSAGE - sender (process of dying) causing message (living)
SERVICE - superior (process of dying) causing servitude (living)
a) phonetic for AN'GLE; noun [Latin angulus]- "departing from a point" aka from the point of view of partial (living) within whole (process of dying). Each partial choice represents a temporary angle within the symmetry of the ongoing whole, hence self preservation representing "guardian angles"...
b) angel also implies AN, adjective [Latin unus, una, unum] - "noting an individual one" + GEL; GEL'ATIN, noun [Latin gelo, to congeal] - "changing from a fluid to a solid state" aka the formed ones (living) out of flowing oneness (process of dying).
angels are god's sms
SHORT - long (process of dying) causing short (living)
MESSAGE - sender (process of dying) causing message (living)
SERVICE - superior (process of dying) causing servitude (living)
a) phonetic for AN'GLE; noun [Latin angulus]- "departing from a point" aka from the point of view of partial (living) within whole (process of dying). Each partial choice represents a temporary angle within the symmetry of the ongoing whole, hence self preservation representing "guardian angles"...
b) angel also implies AN, adjective [Latin unus, una, unum] - "noting an individual one" + GEL; GEL'ATIN, noun [Latin gelo, to congeal] - "changing from a fluid to a solid state" aka the formed ones (living) out of flowing oneness (process of dying).