b) PERCENTILE - "values obtained by dividing a large number of quantities into 100 equal groups"
The whole oneness (process of dying) divides itself into each one partial (living)...and not into equal groups, but into different partials. There's no perceivable 0 (nothing) in nature; only 1 (everything) aka only whole (same oneness) and partials (different ones).
a) PER (by) CENTUM (hundred)
b) PERCENTILE - "values obtained by dividing a large number of quantities into 100 equal groups"
The whole oneness (process of dying) divides itself into each one partial (living)...and not into equal groups, but into different partials. There's no perceivable 0 (nothing) in nature; only 1 (everything) aka only whole (same oneness) and partials (different ones).