That Jew boy Weiner started rockstar energy drink with $50k and Jew privilege and connections and sold to Pepsi for $3.9 billion about 15 years later.
A rapper got rich off vitamin water. They probably just mix powder with water in a bottling factory and quadruple their money. Most of the cost is probably the bottle itself and transportation/ distribution.
It's funny that just a 24 pack of bottled water is damn near $10 now.
Someone joked that Arizona ice tea deserves award for keeping their tea 99cents
Could definitely get rich off idea like this. Hardest part is getting big retailers to carry your product. Distribution. Local breweries struggle with distribution and could probably share their experience. It's why so many sell out to Anheuser Busch or miller Coors because they dominate distribution.
Talk to me if you have business ideas. I have a ton as well. Need to partner up though
That Jew boy Weiner started rockstar energy drink with $50k and Jew privilege and connections and sold to Pepsi for $3.9 billion about 15 years later.
A rapper got rich off vitamin water. They probably just mix powder with water in a bottling factory and quadruple their money. Most of the cost is probably the bottle itself and transportation/ distribution.
It's funny that just a 24 pack of bottled water is damn near $10 now.
Someone joked that Arizona ice tea deserves award for keeping their tea 99cents
Could definitely get rich off idea like this. Hardest part is getting big retailers to carry your product. Distribution. Local breweries struggle with distribution and could probably share their experience. It's why so many sell out to Anheuser Busch or miller Coors because they dominate distribution.