We reached the point a while back from the perspective of information warfare but it has always been assumed by most that if you have evidence you can back up your position, but not any more.
It's trivial to manufacture fake images which to a casual observer will appear genuine, and its easy to F@CT ©H3CK with bots and GPT, and deep fake videos are quite popular.
The era of truth is behind us sadly....I think we should all realise that Providence will be more important in discerning truth than it will be at a Sotheby's auction....
Trust should end. No claim should be accepted from any source without thorough validation first. This is the burden of all students, but most of us aren’t taught that due to conditioning by rote under the guise of education from childhood - which shuns such things. “I know cause teacher tells me so”
Don’t dream it’s over / give in to despair.
I have given these musings a lot of thought, and if you would like to discuss them further in depth i encourage you to join us over on flatearthresearch to do that!
In our regrettable infowar era, the three most important (and neglected) questions are :