Government isjust finewith the way pRiVaTe CoMpAnIes perform with the "public's" internet. Look at all the valuable services Google/YT, Facebook/Instagram and Twitter perform:
Acts as the premier data-vacuum and honey-pot to attract (and compile data on) 'troublemakers'.
Performs Ministry-of-Truth thought-shaping, gatekeeping/filtering and propaganda-dissemination while immune from pesky Constitutional accountability.
Now with more "Memory-Holes®" to 'keep us safe'.
Rouses the 'rabble' upon command to agitate for and accept / support the whole CancelCulture™ "Un-Personing" program.
Even if those functions weren't illegal and/or Unconstitutional, the government would spend ten times as much to produce one-tenth the effects.
To debunk this, can anyone think of any billionaires who are not government manufactured shills?
I don't think billionaires are created by the government. I just think a lot of billionaires consult and discuss business with and negotiate contracts, laws, regulations that benefit them both and negotiate tax cuts and deductions and waivers of property taxes on corporate property. They also donate to the campaigns and usually have lobbyists of their own.
I do believe that a few corporations are quasi-CIA operations such as Fakebook, Microsoft and to some degree Tesla/Musk That makes ZuckerFake, Gates, and Musk CIA operatives fake CEO's.
I don't trust corporate America as a whole and don't really want to invest in stocks anymore.
"Billionaires" and their 'pRiVaTe CoMpAnIeS'.
Government is just fine with the way pRiVaTe CoMpAnIes perform with the "public's" internet. Look at all the valuable services Google/YT, Facebook/Instagram and Twitter perform:
Even if those functions weren't illegal and/or Unconstitutional, the government would spend ten times as much to produce one-tenth the effects.
close, the government and the corporations are controlled by the same entity, the banks, which are run by a species of demon known as “kikes”
I agree with this. Nobody gets that rich without become part of the system in some way
They are used to "keep" the government legally removed....Just like the CIA / Etc..
Plausible Deniability.
public / private partnerships :D
To debunk this, can anyone think of any billionaires who are not government manufactured shills?
I don't think billionaires are created by the government. I just think a lot of billionaires consult and discuss business with and negotiate contracts, laws, regulations that benefit them both and negotiate tax cuts and deductions and waivers of property taxes on corporate property. They also donate to the campaigns and usually have lobbyists of their own.
I do believe that a few corporations are quasi-CIA operations such as Fakebook, Microsoft and to some degree Tesla/Musk That makes ZuckerFake, Gates, and Musk CIA operatives fake CEO's.
I don't trust corporate America as a whole and don't really want to invest in stocks anymore.
Da Jew know this concept DA BEST!! It raining Shekels on DA JEW all da time inthe good ole USA!!