posted ago by LightBringerFlex ago by LightBringerFlex +14 / -1

These fuckers have a big bag of tricks but they've been doing this for a long time.

The kids are close to their own soul which makes them so intuitive and happy. This is because they think primarily from the heart and secondarily from the brain which is basically a malfunctioning machine that easily gets confused. The brain is supposed to be used for only the surface level of life but anything deeper is supposed to be observed by the heart. The heart is connected to everything kind of how the internet is connected to almost everyone. So the heart has access to the great consciousness grid and it relays information through impusles to the brain through the pineal gland area. All this is then received and translated by the brain if the brain is smart enough to translate it and if it is paying attention to the heart's signals in the first place. Some people are unaware so they don't pay attention.

The heart is the seat of the soul. The soul enters the sperm/egg on the point of conception. The soul communicates it's history to the body through the DNA and the body communicates the history of it's species to the soul through the DNA.

Telepathy is real and it doesn't happen from the head. It happens by communicating heart to heart in some other kind of language of the heart. Words are not used but the brain can translate what it's receiving into words if it wants. Animals do this as it is but humans don't really do this because we have forgotten how to.

Humans were tricked by the deep state to stop using their natural telepathy starting in the Egyptian era when the Egyptians pushed labels on everything and taught humans to use these labels in complex communication patters.

After many years, the Deep State tricked People into sending their children to their schools where they manipulate the children to stop thinking from the heart and constantly stay in the brain region and to only use that. You can only imagine there are many thousands of ways to do this whether it's repetitive work through the brain for 6 hours a day or shutting down creative kids who create from the heart center. By the time the kids graduate, they are very disconnected from their own soul because they are disconnected from their heart which is the seat of the soul.

The heart is also responsible for empathy, compassion and stuff like this so disconnected the kids from their own heart makes them cold hearted and then People wonder why Humans are prone to such ugly behavior as adults.

To top it off, the Deep State put fluoride in the water to block the pineal gland which is like an antenna to the heart. They also posted tons of violent media on TV to degenerate the mind with visual poisons. The radio is mostly full of degenerate music too. All the media is telling People that power and domination over other humans is good when it's actually not good. What is good is an empathetic and united humanity. That is the only way humanity can survive in the long run. Force and domination leads to self-destruction for the whole species in the end and is the cause of much suffering.

At this point, People who want to get more in touch with their soul need to focus their consciousness to the heart region instead of the brain at all times including when communicating. Practice telepathy by speaking through the heart through impulses. The animals already do this. Clean the pineal gland with iodine and daily meditation. Turn off all media and stay away from processed foods especially fast food. If you can, spend time in nature especially between a bunch of trees. Do some kind of physical work per day for exercise. The entire self can be rebuilt into a much higher quality self almost like an upgrade once the connection is made again between the brain and the Soul.

Once telepathy is learned, we can do all kinds of interesting stuff with it like run a telepathic social media complete with privacy features but we need to learn to crawl before we walk.

Also, homeschooling is growing fast which is great because those kids will still be connected as adults and the future will be better because of them.