186,000 miles/sec = speed of light, moon distance == 238,000 miles away , round trip == 476,000 miles => 476,000 / 186,000 (Speed of light) = 2.55 seconds round trip from moon to earth back to moon
Do rockets work in a vacuum? On Earth, air tends to inhibit the exhaust gases getting out of the engine. This reduces the thrust. However, in space since there is no atmosphere, the exhaust gases can exit much easier and faster, thus increasing the thrust. Therefore, the rocket engine actually works better in space than here on Earth.
It basically takes 1.5 seconds for a message to get to the moon or vice versa. But then the recipient STARTS hearing the message, must listen, then respond. So from the END of each message, there is 1.5 seconds, and then ANOTHER 1.5 to get the return message BEGINNING and then the length of the return message.
NONE of the recordings that I've heard have a three second delay.
ha,ha , so who did they leave behind to record this ?
Im pretty sure they can claim remote control, the Moon would be a 4 second delay for each remote control command
186,000 miles/sec = speed of light, moon distance == 238,000 miles away , round trip == 476,000 miles => 476,000 / 186,000 (Speed of light) = 2.55 seconds round trip from moon to earth back to moon
It is indeed strange that the foil is visibly flapping
Didn't the propellant leave with the the part of the lander that was lifted up by a crane at 007 studios??
The moon is 225k miles away. The speed of light in miles per hour is 6.702 x 10^-8 miles/hr.
It basically takes 1.5 seconds for a message to get to the moon or vice versa. But then the recipient STARTS hearing the message, must listen, then respond. So from the END of each message, there is 1.5 seconds, and then ANOTHER 1.5 to get the return message BEGINNING and then the length of the return message.
NONE of the recordings that I've heard have a three second delay.
According to the completely trustworthy MIC, the moon does have “atmosphere”.
Swamp gas, refracting off of Venus.
At 5:17 exactly?
pretty much 5:17 and after look at what looks like wind to be blowing foil.. Moon no atmosphere = NO WIND