Mmmm more fear porn. Sorry guy but folks aren't thinking their jab is saving anything. They were brow beat into accepting something and it is now memory holed. I do believe it is accelerating death because the ones who dropped dead in my family were the oldest and sickest. This theory just doesnt make sense in any way outside of that. The people were tricked by their current government and are suddenly just going to accept a new one they have no previous knowledge about??? Once it goes mad max there is no unifying the world. We go back to literal tribe style living and only the one who conquers (or outlives) the other tribes will have any semblance of global control. I can buy the elites are going to flee to NZ. Even the drops hinted at this. Society may be controlled from a cultural perspective but it takes bodies working together for something in order to function. This is why the elites will always lose no matter how many times they send the machines to destroy Zion. The inevitable can only be delayed but eventually He wins.
Mmmm more fear porn. Sorry guy but folks aren't thinking their jab is saving anything. They were brow beat into accepting something and it is now memory holed. I do believe it is accelerating death because the ones who dropped dead in my family were the oldest and sickest. This theory just doesnt make sense in any way outside of that. The people were tricked by their current government and are suddenly just going to accept a new one they have no previous knowledge about??? Once it goes mad max there is no unifying the world. We go back to literal tribe style living and only the one who conquers (or outlives) the other tribes will have any semblance of global control. I can buy the elites are going to flee to NZ. Even the drops hinted at this. Society may be controlled from a cultural perspective but it takes bodies working together for something in order to function. This is why the elites will always lose no matter how many times they send the machines to destroy Zion. The inevitable can only be delayed but eventually He wins.