I have realised over my life. Hard work and honesty and good morals don't get you any capital in this world.
Rich people are not hard working....they are greedy. The exception is that they worked hard....the rule is they cheated....
Show me a rich person and I will show you incompetences and ignorance to match their wealth.
Which you pulled out of your ass, and even if true you have no right to tell those millions of people they can't can't engage in that mutual activity for a living arrangement.
You've bought into left wing thinking on economics which is retarded and constantly wrong. You'll figure it out...one...day. Until....then...fuck...off.
You think renting is left wing! Lmao. Okay 👌 you do that.
No, but bitching about renting is.
You keep paying your slave master and thinking your free for it then - renting property for anything other than cost.....is usury....usury is Bad.
You're a leftist who wants more government to fix the problem caused by government. All while blaming your landlord who you're jealous of.
Then there will be no rental options for people who need them. No one is going to invest 5 million into an apartment complex to be "at cost". I never fail to be amazed at how deluded lefties are about the economy.