I have realised over my life. Hard work and honesty and good morals don't get you any capital in this world.
Rich people are not hard working....they are greedy. The exception is that they worked hard....the rule is they cheated....
Show me a rich person and I will show you incompetences and ignorance to match their wealth.
You have no counter arguments to the point I made. This is a service people want. Not everyone wants to buy or can buy a property in any given moment. Therefore it isn't evil for someone to provide the service of a rental property.
I'm scratching my head that I even have to explain the obvious here.
I'm amazed you think that people rent because they want to....sure...like 5% maybe. Lol
Most because they have to....why do they have to?
Ah....because greedy bastards who have homes already bought them....and won't sell them.....but instead rent them....forcing the price to....rise.......and the supply....to fall......not the demand...
First of all, why do all you shills talk funny? What is with the ellipses? It looks like you are forcefully trying to create a unique writing style for your alt.
Secondly if government isn't getting in the way nothing is stopping someone from buying a plot of land and building a new house for less.
Even if it was only 5%, which I don't buy at all, who are you to say these people aren't allowed to be served in the market? Who are you to force them to buy a house?
The price increases are mainly due to government lowering interest rates artificially for decades created this housing issue while restricting supply in many areas due to stupid laws. Landlords don't restrict supply, they offer more competition in the housing market which lowers rental prices of apartments which now compete with housing rentals
Now they don't. B Laughable. Lies. Bs. They inflate the market. Destroy supply and ruin ratio of demand..end of story.
Absolute nonsense, they put a downward pressure on rents. I was once a student and the only apartments offered on campus were 2.5x higher than what was offered by individual landlords renting rooms and one bedroom apartments in the city were 2x more than renting a room from a landlord who split up his house. It was individual landlords that made it possible to live and go to school there. Period. And 100% of us students needed to rent there and not buy.
Or do you expect everyone to buy a property in whatever city they go to college in or get hired in? Please answer.
Are hotels and airbnb banned under your model as well? Same principle applies.