20 Meth head Sean Penn gives Oscar to Zelensky… This is not a joke… (vigilantlinks.com) posted 2 years ago by RonaldMcGoCart 2 years ago by RonaldMcGoCart +22 / -2 Sean Penn gives Oscar to Zelensky… This is not a joke… https://youtu.be/lv6Ps9xcpyw We all know Zelenski is an actor but this is just in your face lunacy lol 9 comments share 9 comments share save hide report block hide replies
It was so embarrassing to watch. Pathetic actually
And he puts it right next to his wobbly toys planes? Sure, where else would a child put it on display?
They're fucking.
Is Penn out of his fking mind?
Sean Penn is what happens when you Fucked too many youngins up the ass on film .. His owners really own him bad
Nobody wants to believe they’re all actors…..would they be relevant without cameras?
I can't stand Sean Penn
But he played a good madman in The Professor And The Madman
In fact, it might be the only time Mel Gibson was outperformed in a movie by someone else.