His brother is a backstreet boy? Or Nsync? One of them 2000's mega pop bands. Supposedly this guy was saying he was traded and fucked by music producers.
Then he spent the rest of his life self medicating with heavy drugs and dealing with the trauma, tattooing his face, trying to escape his body and reality, etc.
I don't believe Aaron Carter was killed. I think he just OD'd on drugs which was going to happen soon anyways. I call this one a coincidence. I could be wrong.
this guy has been F'ed in the head since day one - probably a drug overdose.
His brother is a backstreet boy? Or Nsync? One of them 2000's mega pop bands. Supposedly this guy was saying he was traded and fucked by music producers.
Then he spent the rest of his life self medicating with heavy drugs and dealing with the trauma, tattooing his face, trying to escape his body and reality, etc.
I don't believe Aaron Carter was killed. I think he just OD'd on drugs which was going to happen soon anyways. I call this one a coincidence. I could be wrong.
I 100% agree. I dont think he was murdered. I think either "safe and effective" made him have a coronary incident and drown.
Or he was drankin slizzurp and poppin pills and whatever the new thing is.
He took a fentanyl nap in a tub and drowned.