Everyone talks about Big Pharma, Big Oil, Big Auto, Big wheat, and Big Meat.
But no one talks about Big Soap.
They have been taking over and brainwashing people for years and years and years. It's so deep it's ingrained in almost every person you have ever met.....
Look into big soap.....it's a scam....and it's dangerous for our health
And I tell you you are wrong. Full fucking stop. Years without soap and I don't fucking stink you fucking faggot. Don't need you to lecture me on Sumerian history which you have no way of actually confirming except you read it somewhere loser....just try it....oh wait...your entire history is a fucking troll......you post useless distractions for the MSM fed pieces....gtfo
Btw.....why don't you read up on your Sumerians and see that soap....minus an odd medical use (salves any body??) Was almost exclusively for clothing....and that sort.......
But you don't care troll....go back to your bridge
I don't care what you tell me. You're dumb Didn't know when soap was invented. Didn't want to take a testimonial of it. Instead you sit here like some kind of dumb monkey. Worse a dirty stinking nigger.
Yes there is toxicity in certain soap, shampoos, and body washes, and the cosmetic industry.
But you're not rational. Insane, stupid, ignorant. You called me names. You're not a race. You're an individual. A nigger. Now fuck off stupid.
And I know more facts about things which you stupidly miss stated....who's retardedness was that??? Yours. Own it.
You will of course not listen....your whole purpose on this site is to posted retard level bs for your corporate agenda...at least you have a job I guess.....a useless one which makes the world a shitty place...but I guess you pay for you survival by ruining the world....nice.
I haven't mistaken anything.
The cosmetic industry is at fault like pharma. But soap isn't.
Example Johnson and Johnson put asbestos in the baby powder. Talcum powder has been around since the Summerians probably, definitely the Romans. What have Johnson and Johnson done. They fucked with the recipe, creating poison. Baby powder stops the nappy rash. Talcum powder does that same thing more or less.
Please stop your bullshit. Soap isn't that problem. Certain soaps are. Make sure you're using the right ones.
So...... everything I said is true.....
What is also true....they (Sumerians) mostly used soap for their clothes....not their bodies....wow