posted ago by KiloRomeo ago by KiloRomeo +20 / -0

In the last week we have:

  • Semiconductor hard ball with China which has forced an internal CCP regime solidification in the Taiwan issue.
  • Special forces in Ukraine suddenly being capable of causing serious damage combined with retaliatory strikes by Russia on their SpecOp compounds followed by US being forced to admit we do have boots on ground in Ukraine... hmm 🤔
  • Evidence the Iranian populist uprising was actually a CIA color Revolution intended to quid pro quo with Saudis to not have OPEC side with Russia
  • Japanese currency in freefall I'm desperate need of Fed to lower rates and instead they raise rates which is a milkshake double down fiat rug pull move
  • CBDC being instituted in preparation for more stringent banking laws to coincide with using unbanking to support censorship.

The truth will be what we say it is. War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Diversity is strength.