posted ago by xolotltlaloc ago by xolotltlaloc +4 / -4

The WEF et al. don't have the power to force - only the ability to anticipate.

The NWO is not an agenda - it's an inevitability.

Technology (the internet et al) is totally disrupting every nook so society.

Not since the "advent" of fire has humanity seen this rate of advancement (i.e., it's like going 0 - 100 all over again, but starting at 100 and going to 1000 - if that makes sense).

The NWO is simply the result of an unprecedented technological revolution.

"Do you support the NWO?" is a false question.

The question needs to be: whom will the NWO benefit?

The NWO could benefit all of humanity.

Fire can be used to cook an egg or set a village ablaze.

It's our choice how AI et al. impacts humanity.

But it will impact humanity - and much much more than it has already.