Who is the puppetmaster in that party of conmen.
Who leaked those photos having direct access to the cameras. It caused a daisy chain of events where the British public are continuously screwed by charlatans. In an agenda of taxing them far more.
Until they have had literal muppets. 3 in one premiership. Two before it. But an obviously agenda accosting the tax payer far more. No regard to office. No regard to public vote. No regard to pledges. Just another asshole. Real assholes shitting all over this country and its people.
A clear agenda.
What is worse today are the public who sit there and take it. Hypnotised by historic failure. Worse, opposition are towing the line instead of mobilising the entire nation into protest by demanding an immediate general election. The entire nation should be picketing outside of townhalls until an election is called. But oh no. It's the climate. It's Iran. But pay your fucking taxes to that government with no actual regard to the public. In it are a party of conmen, liars, cheats, criminals, and hypocrites.
Where are the opposition, they're towing the line. Some other legality, don't collapse it more, fill in the paperwork. Mobilise the population, demand a general election. Stop buying bullshit distractions. There is no paperwork, it's higher taxes. It is another liar. But they don't want to change it either. They want to get paid and get knighted. Sit there getting paid to promise bullshit and more empty gestures. Such snowflakes today. Never seen anything like it. Never seen a population coddled into accepting another fraud. Another charlatan. Another liar. But have had no actual representation. None from the liar claiming office. None from opposition getting paid to promise nothing else. Bring them to their knees, drag them out of office. No no, it's far too much to imagine basic protest today at a real issue. Instead it's somewhere else like the climate, some other foreign nation. Never our own being led by frauds
They have no claim to office. None. Nobody voted for this or them. Nobody and after a 3rd it is far too many. Get out of it. Get the fuck out of it. Not fit for duty. Nobody asked muppets. Nobody asked frauds.
Will they, like fuck today. No opposition. They sit there bleating like good little sheep. Follow another asshole, shitting all over them. Look it's a diverse asshole, the third, and it's now racist to protest. Protest Iran, China, Ukraine or the weather instead.
Such snowflakes.
Not entirely true, Cromwell.
We are at a stage in history for Cromwell. Catastrophic failure. Nobody on the planet should become another Banana Republic.
But they sit there like dumb stupid sheep protesting whatever their TV tells them because it's so racist to protest anything actually affecting their nation. If they do it's the height of feudalism. So they must become the hypocrites instead shoving their grubby dirty Tory fingers into everything else. This is while they cannot govern shit on a spade. I mean seriously, they cannot even govern shit on a spade.
Please care so much, about the weather, about Iran, about China, about the Ukraine. But they cannot even govern shit on a spade. It's a Banana Republic. Who governs the UK. Shit on a fucking shovel does. It has no governance. I shit you not. But at least they're such hypocrites. They think, really think, it's so racist to protest at home. Protest everywhere else instead, because of shit on a shovel. They're dishing it out. Such bullshit.
Where's Cromwell. Mythology.
Shit on a shovel. Who governs the UK. It's a Banana Republic.
Excuse the rant. Where are Opposition. It would be real Simple. Real Quick.
Mobilise the British Public to picket until a general election is prompted.
Where is this? It's not illegal. Perhaps it's whatever hypocrites think. But he's weak. He's also a Charlatan.
Corbyn would've. It's why they shoved him in. He plays charades filling out the paperwork, promising nothing he can give. Sure he tweaks the unions but they mobilise themselves
Exactly, the only protests are the ones they've instigated. Currently they're nothing but a distraction. A distraction away from their failures. Literal deflection and self righteous hypocrisy.
Because they're shit on a shovel. They govern nothing but bullshit. They dish it out constantly.
Simplest today, immediate today. It would bring the country to its knees. The poll put millions, the majority demanding it. Where are leadership calling for it. Go picket outside your townhall, parliament until there's a General Election. Government has to comply at that point honouring the public vote instead of parading Charlatans. Nobody voted on these cunts. Nobody.
At what point today. It is only today. Never in history would they otherwise think to assume such failure. It is disgusting. Shit on a shovel being dished.
Consenting to follow suggested comes before leading others by suggestion. The many first willingly consent to be slaves to the suggestions of the few; which in reaction puts the few on the pedestal of master of suggested.
The con represents the few tempting the many to CONsent to suggested (fiction) over perceivable (reality), and the party of the few represents the ignorance of each one of the many to be partial (living) within whole (process of dying).
LEAK, noun - "a crack, crevice, fissure or hole in a vessel, that admits water"...the perceiving vessel (living) exists within the perceivable water (process of dying); while others utilize suggestion as the vector to administer poison in-between perceiving (partial) and perceivable (whole). Suggested information represents the poison within perceivable inspiration and each one is being tempted to willingly consent to suggested (want) over perceivable (need).
The entire racket of leaked information represents bait for the want of more suggested information. One wiki takes suggested away (not want); the other wiki "leaks" suggested (want)...want vs not want represents suggested imbalance to tempt choice off perceivable balance (need/want). One doesn't need what another one suggests; one needs to adapt to perceivable while resisting suggested temptation.
Direction (inception towards death) offers access (living).
Perceivable nature sets apart aka from whole (process of dying) into partial (living). Consenting to the suggestions of others; tempts one into a chain of command under those suggesting.
Perceivable represents the cause; perceiving represents the effect...suggestion represents the temptation to ignore cause for substitute effects.
a) Consenting to suggested tempts shapes one into a muppet controlled by the suggestions of others.
b) those who ignore perceivable sound for suggested words are miss-communicating in the suggested tongue of puppeteers who craft their spelling (spell-craft), while each word uttered represents BA'BEL, noun [Heb.] - "confusion; disorder".
Because the choice of suggested (want) over perceivable (need) implies the want to take what others suggest, while the perceivable represents the needed demand to adapt. Hunger represents an enforced need for adaptation; simultaneously appetite tempts one to want (temptation) to ignore need (resistance).
Suggestion represents the industrialization of temptation. The few simply suggest the many what they want; which shapes the conflicts of reason (want vs not want); which in return allows the few to suggest both want and not want (imbalance) to the many who ignore being the center (choice) of balance (need/want).
The process of dying represents the AGENT (enacting); while those living within represent the REGENT (reacting). If the perceiving (reaction) adapts to perceivable (enacting); then one grows comprehension (clear state of mind), yet if one ignores (obscured state of ming) perceivable for suggested, then one represses comprehension (clear) for ignorance (obscure).
The few suggest endless information to keep the ignorant many within a self inflicted obscured state of mind. Perceivable inspiration is available at every moment to everyone within, and thereof has to willingly be ignored for suggested information by others.
Those who proclaim "I don't understand" are being tempted to want to stand under (understand) what others are suggesting them; while they're willingly ignore to express growth of comprehension within perceivable.
Consenting to suggested his-story represents the repression of ones expression as partial (living) within whole (process of dying) aka the story of one (perceiving) within oneness (perceivable).
a) life being moved from inception towards death implies being movable (mobile) aka reaction MOBILIZ (movable) -ATION (through action).
b) "entire nation" ignores that NATION; noun - "a people" implies each one of them aka each partial (living) of the entire whole (process of dying).
c) PROTEST', verb [Latin protestor; pro and testor, to affirm it.]...the few suggest to tempt the many to consent to want or not want the suggested, both sides affirm the suggested.
Protesting for (pro-choice) or against (pro-life) suggested "abortion" affirms suggested "abortion". The many consent to reason (want vs not want) about the suggested (want over need); which allows the few to harvest the ignorance of the many as fuel for the suggested rackets (in this case birth-control; human sacrifice; blood-libel; feminism; pharmakia; genocide; disgenics; murder for profit; scientism; atheism; religious fundamentalism; satanism; identity politics; miscegenation; identity politics and so on).