according to my understanding of the modern theory of panpsychism we don't generate consciousness but are tuned to receive it. it explains those quasi-psychic abilities that all living creatures have. I don't have a dog myself myself, but go and ask any dog owner about this. and something's definitely off. feels similar to what seemed to be going on 100 years ago. take a good deep look into the art they produced back then. no mentions of war, but you could feel something bad was brewing
according to my understanding of the modern theory of panpsychism we don't generate consciousness but are tuned to receive it. it explains those quasi-psychic abilities that all living creatures have. I don't have a dog myself myself, but go and ask any dog owner about this. and something's definitely off. feels similar to what seemed to be going on 100 years ago. take a good deep look into the art they produced back then. no mentions of war, but you could feel something bad was brewing