Been meaning to post this for a while. I believe the 2020 BLM Riots that lasted ~100 days were part of a Russian and/or ashkenazi jewish psy-op to hurt America.
Back in 2019 after the Mueller Report was making the rounds, it was reported that Russians were looking to target the AA community with racial propaganda.
Some highlights mixed in with my thoughts:
Russians who were linked to interference in the 2016 U.S. election discussed ambitious plans to stoke unrest and even violence inside the U.S. as recently as 2018.
The documents... laid out a new plot to manipulate and radicalize African Americans. The plans... sought to exploit racial tensions well beyond Russia’s social media and misinformation efforts tied to the 2016 election.
Lucky for the Russians, the (((media))) had been laying the groundwork for racial tension by playing up the race narrative. Incorrectly, I might add.
"Years before Trump’s election the media dramatically increased coverage of racism and embraced new theories of racial consciousness that set the stage for the latest unrest."
Tablet is a Jewish publication btw.
The revelations come as U.S. intelligence agencies have warned of probable Russian meddling in the 2020 election.
The media was pushing the "Russia helping Trump" narrative, but I didn't hear any media outlets bring up this warning from the Mueller Report during the 2020 Riots. In fact they downplayed them, insisting they were "mostly peaceful" and touting the now infamous "93% peaceful" statistic.
And about the 93% stat, if you read the report that literally every media outlet used for this, they totally obfuscate the real statistics. They say there were ~7,700 BLM protests specifically, but when they talk about violence they reference all 10,600 protests during that time period. So when they say there were 570 violent incidents, it comes out to be 5% instead of 7% of BLM protests that had violence. Not a huge deal number-wise, but definitely dishonest to manipulate statistics like that. (The reason I attribute the riots to the BLM protests is because if an anti-mask/lockdown protest had violence, we would've heard about it constantly.)
But more to the point, in what world is a movement that averages several riots a day "mostly peaceful"?
The documents contained proposals for several ways to further exacerbate racial discord in the future, including a suggestion to recruit African Americans and transport them to camps in Africa “for combat prep and training in sabotage.” Those recruits would then be sent back to America to foment violence...
The blueprint, entitled “Development Strategy of a Pan-African State on U.S. Territory,” floated the idea of enlisting poor, formerly incarcerated African Americans “who have experience in organized crime groups” as well as members of “radical black movements for participation in civil disobedience actions.”
How convenient for the (((plotters))) that thousands of inmates were released in 2020 due to COVID. California and New York alone released thousands, and both states have seen surges in crime the last 3 years. In New York they were repeatedly arresting prisoners who had already been released.
The goal was to “destabilize the internal situation in the U.S.”
And I'm certain they were happy with their results. In 2020, the George Floyd protests became the first civil disorder catastrophe event to exceed $1 billion in losses to the insurance industry. In fact, it has exceeded $2 billion so far and could still go higher. And that's assuming businesses got money from their insurance company at all, many small businesses weren't so fortunate.
Economic problems linger for years in areas hit by looting. “Economic activity in the areas affected didn’t return for at least 10 years,” Matheson said. At least not to previous levels. He said [the Rodney King riots] cost almost $5 billion in economic activity measured in lost sales over 10 years. “If people don’t feel safe where their businesses are, then they don’t feel a need to rebuild.” Not to mention the food deserts that spring up in the communities that had rioting and looting.
I'll update this last point eventually with additional links, but for the time being I'll just refer people to this post. The "racial reckoning" was built on a bs narrative that police are "hunting" and targeting black men. Statistics show that approximately 1,000 people are shot by police a year, and blacks account for only about 20% of them. The media and therefore illiberal NPCs love to regurgitate the "black men are disproportionately killed by police at a 2-3x higher rate than white men" narrative. But if you check out the FBI crime statistics for violent crime during any year in the last decade, you'll see that black men commit murder at a rate at least 3x higher than white men. So when you compare police shootings to who commits violent crimes, the rate is proportional.
Of course the (((media))) never points this out. But it's probably because the jews need Edom, the West, to be destroyed for their antichrist moshiach to return. There's plenty of videos but I'm too lazy to dig them up currently. Just search KnowMoreNews on bitchute/odysee, and look for videos about Edom or rabbis explaining Kabalah secrets.
And just throwing it in, Trump and Putin are connected through the ashkenazi jewish organization, chabad lubavitch. Never heard the (((media))) accuse israel or jews of helping Trump get elected in 2016, even though his connection to Putin and Russia is through jews, and even though Israel intelligence contacted Roger Stone telling him "Roger, hello from Jerusalem. Any progress? He is going to be defeated unless we intervene."
Freemasonry = 'ewish
Manual of Freemasonry - Richard Carlile
An Encyclopedia of Freemasonry and it's kindred sciences - Albert G Mackey M.D. 33* The 'ewish Chronicle - November 20, 1867 Fritz Springmeier ??
Black-owned businesses across the country are putting up signs to show solidarity with protesters and deter looting
‘Black owned don’t loot:’ For some business owners, signs show solidarity — and provide protection
‘I've Had to Paint 'Black Owned Business' on My Minneapolis Bar During the Riots’ - 5/29
Minneapolis Man Who Painted 'Black Owned Business' on His Bar During Riots Says There is 'Sense of Hope' in City - 6/4
No, i have no idea either which way. Pretty convinced they were a psyop though.
BLM has served the same purpose as the nigger riots of the 1960s: to steal power, wealth, and safety from native whites to prevent them from creating progeny. It has done even better (and more damage) than those riots in achieving these goals, particularly since whites actually fought back then (a little bit) and refuse to do so now.
It has fucking nothing to do with Trump. It has fucking nothing to do with Putin. It has fucking nothing to do with any foreign nation except Israel.
Curious, In this view, do we see Russia responsible for planting all the khazarian jews in usa leadership?
Is Russia supportive of biden? Are they also working together?
For me, this whole idea is a sideshow and a spin on reality.
Russia is not responsible, israel is, or I'd argue more specifically international Jewry. Lots of Russian jews in israel, and Putin's chief rabbi Berel Lazar was once quoted as saying something like, "Putin may not be good for Russia, but he's good for the Jews of Russia." Russia is ZOG'd like the U.S. is.
I don't think theyre working together, but I actually think Russia is supportive of Biden in the sense that they knew he'd be more harmful to America, so they may have actually wanted him elected (I know China did). I think it's funny that Putin only seems to invade his neighbors when a democrat is in office. Trump sucks, but Biden is worse.
I just view it as another example of jews using blacks as their golem to try and destroy America.
Well... In this case 'Putin's rabbi' was voted chief rabbi prior to Putin being in power.
Russia since its formation as the USSR has been under the full control of the zionist machine. Putin has been the first president to bring it to light, talk about it and make many changes.
I would be inclined to suggest that in order to even rise up the ranks, Putin was required to be what was acceptable for the placement managers.
I think Russia and China pushing for biden makes some sense.
Yeah Putin has called out the jews a few times, including for meddling in our elections, which he's obviously right about, but I think it's just controlled opposition.
I'm pretty sure there's video of this story being told, but I found an article that mentions a story Lazar retells about Putin's childhood.
The article goes into the present day connections he has to jews as well. I would love it if he didn't end up siding with israel, but I assume israel, China, and Russia are all working together to destroy the west, and they'll sort out their differences afterward. China already knows the jews rule America.
Well, more like the khazarian are using china and have been for a long time, since implementing the original communist party. So clearly this is after ussr and the bolshevik revolution there.
All of this to implement zionism in the formation of not just israel but khazaria.
In my opinion, Putin was born into life and learned along the way like the rest, makes decisions based on his information at the time, so surely the complex system could have and would have entrapped and enthralled him, so did they keep him is the only question.
No way to answer, many more chips have to land before one can surmise.
As far as the western destruction, this is again the work of the khazarian influence over systems of power. Same as the nazi, all just tools from history.
Also, I do not really believe anything about Putin's past that the mainstream touts. It was likely hand crafted.