This isn't possible, Elon is not a JEW. I've learned from this website that Jews control everything and are responsible for everything, so Elon can't possibly be a bad guy.
I didn't say the galaxy or the universe, I said our solar system. I'm fairly sure aliens visit now and again (though maybe it's interdimensional) so if they can do it, why can't we eventually?
He is a grifting douche.
Omg I can't wait to watch this in the morning. That's for posting.
This isn't possible, Elon is not a JEW. I've learned from this website that Jews control everything and are responsible for everything, so Elon can't possibly be a bad guy.
I still like his work on space exploration, even if he's still just out for himself.
Yes. But one day, just as man spread everywhere on this planet and across seemingly intractable vast oceans, we can do the same to our solar system.
I didn't say the galaxy or the universe, I said our solar system. I'm fairly sure aliens visit now and again (though maybe it's interdimensional) so if they can do it, why can't we eventually?