Sorry this is 3 days late.
Squared formulas just dont work our of context. If you take a curve squared you would wind up with a curly cue shape as it gets exponentially tighter squared. Same with gravity.
I share you view that this place is not at all what we are told. And I have found that if you run down any conspiracy theory they all have enough to back them up. This place is crazy.
All that aside planes are not falling at 600 miles an hour. They would be following the curve. flat flight. Flat flight is measured by where you are, not a mile away. How high do they say you have to be to see the curve? Way the heck up there. IF that is true it seems to me that it would not be noticeable to maintain level flight.
Again I do not believe we have been told the truth about anything.
Sorry this is 3 days late. Squared formulas just dont work our of context. If you take a curve squared you would wind up with a curly cue shape as it gets exponentially tighter squared. Same with gravity. I share you view that this place is not at all what we are told. And I have found that if you run down any conspiracy theory they all have enough to back them up. This place is crazy. All that aside planes are not falling at 600 miles an hour. They would be following the curve. flat flight. Flat flight is measured by where you are, not a mile away. How high do they say you have to be to see the curve? Way the heck up there. IF that is true it seems to me that it would not be noticeable to maintain level flight. Again I do not believe we have been told the truth about anything.