2 years of almost 24/7 daily death counts by the media. Non stop fearing mongering and doom by the talking heads. Mandates and other restrictions. Then Russia invaded and the news never talked about it again. Then all other restrictions were lifted.
Personally I think the narrative was simply collapsing. Even for normies having 3 vaccines and still catching covid makes absolutely no fucking sense.
My one dude said he was working from home for two years to the day... I think it's just the schedule they are on with Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030. The transition was bonkers, I was walking around informing people that the plandemic had transitioned into WWIII and they were getting angry, I wonder if I had any effect on them once they figured it out. Earlier in the plandemic I remember telling someone that the inflation was coming and their 2% raise every year wasn't going to be doing them much good when the cost of bread goes up, they all just look at me like I'm nuts. It feels like a curse to be able to see these things coming and not really being interested enough to figure out how to make a profit.