You're fucking awesome, man. You're on the right track for sure. I'm going to tell you a little something about interveinous vitamin C. A super massive dose of it takes away heroin withdrawals, because it cures ALL SICKNESS even that one. Don't ask me how i know, and also don't ask me how i know the same amount of mg orally does not work more than 10% as well. I've since discovered kratom and magnesium. The IV vitamin C thing was discovered decades ago. Don't get the wrong idea. If you're in a jam of the opiate nature, go to the hospital and ask for it. Its not controlled or anything and i believe docs know this, but would rather push suboxone. Don't ask me how i know that either.
You're fucking awesome, man. You're on the right track for sure. I'm going to tell you a little something about interveinous vitamin C. A super massive dose of it takes away heroin withdrawals, because it cures ALL SICKNESS even that one. Don't ask me how i know, and also don't ask me how i know the same amount of mg orally does not work more than 10% as well. I've since discovered kratom and magnesium. The IV vitamin C thing was discovered decades ago. Don't get the wrong idea. If you're in a jam of the opiate nature, go to the hospital and ask for it. Its not controlled or anything and i believe docs know this, but would rather push suboxone. Don't ask me how i know that either.
I think massive doses of iv vitamin c cure a lot! Including cancer amd covid.
I didn't know about withdrawal though!
It should be part of the medical cabinet lol. So good.