Eat shit loser, we have had this discussion already, you bring nothing valid nor correct.
You want to believe the planet is warming based on the lies you have been told, there is no evidence anywhere suggesting the state of the climate is anything other than normal.
Just your incessant fear mongering lies and bullshit are the only things that make this bogus claim, Plenty of REAL science proves it to be false.
Implying, we have had many warmer periods on the planet, CO2 has fuck all to do with the temperature average and the sun controls the climate on the planet 100%.
Anything you say in response is lies or irrelevant unless you agree, so fuck off putz.
You are stupid simple and ignorant wee small child level of thought process.
Idiots like you, you get thirsty and someone tells you its a drought and you instantly accept it. Moronic really.
We have had much hotter weather in less than 100 years past, the tiny little changes we see are insignificant in comparison. Just your standard role. We are well within normal range always have been. The expected change will continue to be cooling, not warming.
You just have no understanding of the facts, when you look at bad data and accept it, just what would be the result anyhow?
Eat shit loser, we have had this discussion already, you bring nothing valid nor correct.
You want to believe the planet is warming based on the lies you have been told, there is no evidence anywhere suggesting the state of the climate is anything other than normal.
Just your incessant fear mongering lies and bullshit are the only things that make this bogus claim, Plenty of REAL science proves it to be false.
Implying, we have had many warmer periods on the planet, CO2 has fuck all to do with the temperature average and the sun controls the climate on the planet 100%.
Anything you say in response is lies or irrelevant unless you agree, so fuck off putz.
You believe shit. All I have to do is look outside. The weather has changed. Rapidly changed. Increasing recently.
You come from niggerland. In niggerland it's always hot.
You are stupid simple and ignorant wee small child level of thought process.
Idiots like you, you get thirsty and someone tells you its a drought and you instantly accept it. Moronic really.
We have had much hotter weather in less than 100 years past, the tiny little changes we see are insignificant in comparison. Just your standard role. We are well within normal range always have been. The expected change will continue to be cooling, not warming.
You just have no understanding of the facts, when you look at bad data and accept it, just what would be the result anyhow?